855 people were infected per day, 12 people died


On the last day, 6,910 molecular tests (PCR) and 1,159 of antigens to the presumed coronavirus were carried out in the country.

The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 260.2 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the past seven days is 6.8 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 210 thousand people. 208 people.

Statistically recovered and currently 195 thousand live. 115 people, declared – 151 thousand. 721 recovered. Statistically, there are currently 7,429 sick people, the declared number of patients is 50 thousand. 823.

The Department of Statistics considers that a person declared sick has a confirmed case and the end of the disease has not been confirmed by a doctor. A statistically ill person is one for whom illness has been confirmed in the last 28 days. After this period, the person is considered statistically healthy.

According to the department, the statistical rate of patients may be more accurate to assess the morbidity of the population, since among declared patients there may be cases in which the person is no longer ill but the GP has not confirmed the end of the illness. .

A total of 3501 people died in Lithuania from COVID-19. 7082 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

The first dose of COVID-19 was administered to 6,099 people last day and the second dose to 1280 people. A total of 281 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose in the country. 871 people, in both doses – 126 thousand. 143 people.

When will mass vaccination begin?

Although mass vaccination in the country will be delayed, in some municipalities it may start earlier, says Jurgita Grebenkovienė, chancellor of the Ministry of Health.

“With AstraZeneca, we can move to the mass vaccination group faster. There are no longer those specific priorities, it will already be possible to invite residents to register and get vaccinated by mass vaccination. It really can be, we definitely will not keep that vaccine in the refrigerator until other priority groups catch up with other types of vaccines, ”said J. Grebenkovienė in an interview with BNS on Monday.

However, he stressed that the ministry aims to maintain similar vaccination rates across the country.

“If we see growing disparities, we are beginning to redistribute the vaccine so that we can level the playing field a bit so that one does not start mass vaccination and the other still vaccinates chronic patients,” explained the chancellor.

Vaccination and weekends

Health Minister Arūnas Dulkys says that the volume of vaccination against COVID-19 is not satisfied, so in the near future vaccination centers are promised vaccines also on weekends.

“Tomorrow we have a meeting with the vaccination centers of the municipalities, we are preparing to negotiate and we will invite them to start working on both Saturdays and Sundays,” the minister told reporters on Monday.

“We have not deliberately done this until now, because those vaccine residues have been fully dealt with on normal business days and the situation is different today,” he said.

Vaccination of country leaders

The AstraZeneca vaccine was vaccinated against the coronavirus by the country’s leaders: President Gitanas Nausėda, Prime Minister Ingrida Šimonytė, Seimas President Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen, as well as A. Dulkys. In doing so, they sought to increase public confidence in the vaccine.

“I strongly urge people not to waste, not to wait, not to consider getting the vaccine they want to get vaccinated with,” the president said.

“I am very sorry that this vaccine lacked confidence and we can really see it objectively from the vaccination data,” I. Šimonytė told reporters after the vaccination.

“I feel great. Just touch everything,” A. Dulkys told reporters immediately after vaccination at Naujoji Vilnia Polyclinic.

“I think it is the duty of politicians in this situation to get vaccinated, to show that they trust the AstraZeneca vaccine and, of course, to urge everyone to get vaccinated,” the president of Seimas said on Monday.

Lack of ambition

Ambition to vaccinate 70% of COVID-19 in mid-summer. President G. Nausėda, who raises the country’s population, reacted to the statement of the Chancellor of the Ministry of Health that the mass vaccination of the population against the coronavirus may be slightly delayed. According to the president, Lithuania can still achieve herd immunity in mid-summer. In addition, the president noted, he sometimes has the impression that in order to achieve ambitious goals, there is something to fear in Lithuania.

“Sometimes it seems to me that we are a little afraid of something, somehow we create a reserve of caution. Instead of saying: in this place, Lithuanian brothers, we drink and make until midsummer. If the supply of two vaccines is good, we can do it. We can bypass many other EU countries that may be stopping, watching, or doing something else. We do and live more calmly. That is our goal, “the president told reporters Monday after being publicly vaccinated against COVID-19 with the AstraZeneca vaccine.

According to him, France has recently reiterated similar objectives.

“Today, it is not a coincidence that the Commissioner representing France has declared that for Bastille Day (commemoration – ELTA), that is, in the middle of summer, France intends to implement mass vaccination and obtain immunity universal, “Nausėda said.

Vaccine shipment record

The fourteenth shipment of coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines from the manufacturer BioNTech and Pfizer was delivered to Lithuania on Monday. It consists of 43,290 doses of vaccine – this is the largest batch of vaccines from this manufacturer that has reached Lithuania so far, reports the Ministry of Health.

Most of the vaccines will arrive at the vaccination centers on Monday.

According to the manufacturer, the sale of 5,850 doses of vaccine was temporarily suspended due to lack of timely logistical information on the shipment.

The manufacturer’s permission to continue transporting and using the vaccine was obtained Monday afternoon. The suspended portion of the shipment will travel to municipalities on Tuesday.
