776 new cases of COVID-19: virus spreads in medical institutions, schools are on fire


The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that 776 cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed in Lithuania last day. 270 of them were registered in Vilnius, 173 in Kaunas, 120 in Klaipėda, 73 in Šiauliai, 63 in Telšiai counties. Another 37 cases were recorded in Tauragė, 18 in Marijampolė, 10 in Panevėžys counties, 9 in Alytus counties and 3 in Utena counties.

Of these, the vast majority, 594, were reported in people who became infected after contact with people confirmed by coronavirus. At that time, the circumstances of the infection of 102 people were not clear, i. y Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19. The epidemiological diagnosis of another 80 cases is also continuing.

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

In Vilnius County, outbreak-related cases were registered at the Vilnius Republican Psychiatric Hospital, Santara Clinics, Vilnius University Hospital and Karoliniškės Polyclinic on the last day. Outbreak cases have also been reported at the Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis National School of Arts, the Vilnius Giraitė Kindergarten, the Žirmūnai Gymnasium, the Engineering Lyceum of the Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, the Vilnius Žemynas Progymnasium. In addition, the last day there were cases related to outbreaks in entertainment venues: hockey training in Vilnius “Akropolis”, Vilnius Cathedral Youth Choir, Vilnius “Conductors” bar.

In Kaunas County, outbreak-related cases were recorded 24 hours a day at the State Forest Service, RIO Sports Stadium, Kaunas Art Gymnasium, as well as Raseiniai Road Maintenance Service and the company Danspin operating out of Raseiniai. In addition, in the Kėdainiai district municipality, the Kėdainiai special school.

In Klaipėda county, cases related to outbreaks were registered on the last day at the Lithuanian Association for the Care of People with Intellectual Disabilities “Klaipėdos viltis”, Šilutė district municipality, Kartena multifunctional school center. In addition, cases related to the outbreak of the Department of Psychiatry of the Klaipėda Seafarers Hospital in Švėkšna, Skuodas district, Lenkimai, were registered 24 hours a day.

In Šiauliai county, cases related to the outbreak were registered in the Surgery Department of the Republican Hospital of Šiauliai last day, as well as cases related to the outbreak in the Joniškis Maxima shopping center.

In Telšiai County, outbreak-related cases were registered on the last day at the Plungė Stonaičiai Welfare Home, the Telšiai Social Services Center, the Plungė District Municipal Hospital, as well as at the editorial office of the Telšių newspaper žinios, Plungė Business and Technology School, Ecotrailers.

In Tauragė county, outbreak-related cases were recorded on the last day at Jurbarkas Hospital, Tauragė Hospital, as well as the Lithuanian Grand Duke Kęstutis Motorized Infantry Battalion, Coro Šilutė Bočiai.

In Marijampolė County, yesterday there were cases, according to epidemiologists, related to the outbreak in the Marijampolė Social Assistance Center, Panevėžys County, cases related to outbreaks in the Panevėžys Juozas Miltinis gymnasium, Naideka company.

At that time, outbreak-related cases were recorded in the Ulons battalion of Grand Duchess Birutė in Alytus county, as well as in the Varėna kindergarten “Žilvičius”.

There are 3 more cases of death from coronavirus in Lithuania

The NVSC reports that information on 3 coronavirus deaths was received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 144 lives.

The first case of death was in Kaunas County. The person belonged to the age group 80-89, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 16.

The second case of death was in Klaipeda County. The person belonged to the age group 60 to 69 years and suffered from chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 15.

The third death was in Klaipeda County. The person belonged to the age group of 70 to 79 years, had chronic diseases. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 21.

In addition, 4 deaths were recorded yesterday (3 in Šiauliai and 1 in Kaunas counties), when those infected with the coronavirus died for other reasons.
