631 new cases of COVID-19 detected, 10 people died, the virus spread to residences, hospitals, kindergartens


The day before, 1,218 high-risk people were isolated, out of a total of 53,815 people currently isolated, including people with confirmed COVID-19 disease.

Currently there are 120 cases of cases where the circumstances of contagion of people are not clear, that is, during epidemiological studies it was established that the people were not abroad, they did not communicate with confirmed cases of COVID-19., Gas stations, car washes, but it indicates that the contact time is short and there have been no cases of contagion from other people in those places.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

Yesterday a new outbreak of coronavirus infection was recorded in the Lauksargiai nursing home located in the Tauragė district. A total of nine COVID-19 cases have been confirmed, all of whom are residents of these homes. The epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

Yesterday another new outbreak was recorded at the Krekenava Nursing and Support Treatment Hospital in Panevėžys district, where COVID-19 was confirmed in three patients. The epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

New outbreaks were reported on Tuesday in the “Šaltinėlis” kindergarten in Marijampolė, where two cases of COVID-19 disease were detected, as well as in the Kaunas art kindergarten “Etiudas”, where two cases were also confirmed of infection.

New outbreaks were also recorded in the Vilnius kindergarten “Vėtrungn” – a total of 11 cases of coronavirus infection were associated with the outbreak, in the Vilnius kindergarten “Beržynėlis” – a total of nine cases of the disease COVID-19 were associated with the outbreak.

Yesterday another new outbreak was confirmed in the Temporary House of Caritas of the Archdiocese of Vilnius (Šv. Stepono str. 35). According to epidemiologists, two related cases of infection have been identified.

On Tuesday, a new outbreak was also confirmed at a ship repair company in Klaipeda, where two related cases of coronavirus infection were recorded.

Another new COVID-19 outbreak was recorded at an accounting services company in Kaunas – the coronavirus was confirmed for two employees.

At that time, in the Joniškis district yesterday, a new COVID-19 chimney was installed in an agricultural company. A total of four cases of coronavirus infection were associated with the outbreak.

Sprouts also occur at the wood processing company in Švenčionys district, at the dairy company in Marijampolė, at the paper and paper products production company in Klaipėda, at the sewing company in Kaunas, in the furniture manufacturing company in Panevėžys, in the livestock company in the Biržai district, in the Alytus sewing company.

In addition, yesterday there were cases of COVID-19 disease, according to epidemiologists, related to outbreaks in the Švenčionys section of the State Tax Inspectorate, Marijampolė “Rasa” nursery-kindergarten, Marijampolė social assistance center in temporary shelters , Marijampolė Municipal Sports Center “Sūduva” Youth Basketball Team, Biržai District Police Commissariat, Kupiškis District Municipal Administration.

Outbreak-related cases were reported in families in Lithuania on the last day, based on currently available data 86.

The NVSC also reports that yesterday specialists from the Vilnius department visited a bakery in Vilnius, where, although no outbreak of the infection has been recorded, there have been 14 individual cases of infection since the beginning of the year, and provided recommendations to ensure prevention. adequate. In addition, specialists from the Vilnius Department of the NVSC went to the integrated services center in Vilnius yesterday, where recommendations on infection management measures were provided (the outbreak was not recorded, unrelated cases of the COVID-19 disease were recorded).

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Hospitals are currently treating 927 COVID-19 patients, 88 of whom are in resuscitation

Oxygen is added to 821 patients and 52 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

85 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

Currently, the coronavirus has 17 doctors and 59 nurses without work, and 9 and 22 in isolation, respectively.

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara.  Fight against coronavirus

Photo by Vidmantas Balkūnas / Clínica VUL Santara. Fight against coronavirus

Operational indicators of the COVID-19 pandemic of the last day

  • Number of new cases in the last day: 631
  • The last 7 days average daily number of new cases: 522
  • Total number of past / present cases (of which laboratory confirmed: 190884): 195481
  • Statistical number of patients currently (declared: 55697): 7592
  • Statistical number of live recoveries (declared: 133125): 181230
  • Number of epidemiologically investigated cases per day: 769
  • Number of people isolated per day due to risk exposure: 1218
  • Number of isolated arrivals per day: 1,164
  • Total number of people in self-isolation: 21,717
  • The first dose was vaccinated the day before: 7054
  • Last day of vaccination with a second dose: 1105
  • Total vaccinated with the first dose: 132 888
  • A total of two doses of the vaccine were vaccinated: 69845
  • Newly hospitalized COVID-19 patients per day: 85
  • Number of COVID-19 patients starting oxygen therapy: 58
  • Number of COVID-19 patients who have just started artificial lung ventilation: 3
  • Number of deaths from COVID-19 in the last day: 10
  • Total number of deaths from COVID-19: 3,200

482 approved in the country on Tuesday new cases of coronavirus, another 7 people died. A total of 194,833 people have fallen ill with COVID-19 in Lithuania since the start of the pandemic.

Also ministers An expert council advising the cabinet on Tuesday proposed a review of the regulation of the use of masks. It is suggested not to wear masks outdoors unless it is impossible to keep a distance of 2 meters from those around. Also, do not allow the use of cloth masks, only medical or only respirators. Experts suggest that the government extend the quarantine regime. The government will make a decision on all the proposals on Wednesday.

Senior Advisor to President Gitan Nauseda Simon Crouch said Tuesdayfor the head of state to accept the vaccination with AstraZeneca.

Questions about the vaccine from the British and Swedish company AstraZeneca arose after the European Medicines Agency authorized the vaccine in late January, noting that there were not yet enough studies on whether the vaccine provides effective protection to people over 55.
