61-year-old Snow has no time to grow old: he parachutes, climbs mountains and leaves all men behind | Life


Unpleasant activities always become favorites

Today S. Naku presents himself as a designer and stylist, whose ideas are used to make clothes or jewelry, because crazy consumerism is completely unacceptable for a woman. However, for a long time Sniegė was best known to the public as a personality development coach, she worked on this job for more than 10 years.

“The topics that I teach about etiquette, protocol, image have led me to leadership and to the idea that what you are inside is inevitably also outside. I’m usually approached by leaders who are in a rush everywhere, under constant stress and competition, who don’t have enough time or knowledge of how to look exceptional. In general, everything ends with the fact that they understand that it is not possible to change the whole wardrobe, you have to change, discover your inner balance, ”explains S. Naku.

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Snow seeks to teach other people based on his personal experience and uses his own lessons, always trying to maintain inner harmony. Naku believes that all her life she does only what she wants, and such an innate attitude helps her enjoy life and learn something new every day.

“I was never a careerist and I did not fight for money. I can’t do what I love my whole life, it would be unrealistic, but I always wonder why I don’t learn new things. If I didn’t like the job, I adapted it.

After I graduated from university, I worked in kindergarten and there I did everything I needed and what seemed right. I made an unpopular activity one of my favorites. When you change your attitude and then realize that you have defeated yourself, that you have gained a new life experience, you will be overwhelmed, ”says S. Naku.

You have to do something different every day than you did yesterday. This is recent the essence.

Not only do you find yourself in stressful situations, the snow helps you not only with your favorite activities, but also with attempts to anticipate events before your eyes. He never expects something to happen and distinguishes novelty and spontaneity as the secret of youth.

“When you fall behind in time, time runs out before you, you chase it, you don’t catch it, you lose something and then you start feeling stress. You have to do something different every day than you did yesterday. This is recent the essence. It is not learning new languages ​​or poems that preserves memory, but novelty, agility, creativity, risk-taking and the perception that life is a game, ”says S. Naku.

Jam cooking and gardening are not for her

Snow is full of strength and desire to do something new every day, she remembers with a smile that she was also active in her childhood. Even then, it erupted into infinite energy that has survived to this day.

“I was an inhuman and uncontrollable child. My parents fought with me, but I was never malicious. That is how I have remained like this all my life, – smiles S. Naku. – It is said in what kind of environment you will fall, so it will be. There is a lot of truth in that, but it doesn’t end up in the environment by accident. If you’re a low-energy, decision-making person, you’ll never be among the people who will shape you differently.

Although the quarantine has slowed Snieg’s active leisure time a bit, she still tries to stay active: she walks through Vingis Park almost every day, plays sports, reads and is creative. Naku admits that his free time is different from most of his peers, so when asked if he ever cooks jams and grills in the garden, he laughs.

“Protect, Lord. Such activities are incredible, it is very nice to feminize, plant flowers, water them, cook. I know people who garden, put their hands on the ground, it’s great. However, my tendencies are different so far, ”says S. Naku.

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

The fact that Sniegė’s activities are often different from those of other older people is perfectly illustrated by the gift received from the children on the occasion of the 60th anniversary: ​​a parachute jump. Naku has been fearless and fearless all her life, but she is also affected by a lack of fear of death.

“Skydiving is a laughing matter for me compared to other events. The flight in the weightless state was complete exit, the highest level of meditation: I cried, I screamed wishes …

When you are young you do not think about death, but in the second half of life many people begin to fear it, they begin to take special care of their health, their strength decreases, they feel that life is already going downhill. And I’m not sorry, “Sniegė says openly.

Although it may be different from the country, S.Naku does not consider himself an extreme. In your opinion, this is an example of how time should be anticipated.

“I was in the Himalayas, I climbed the mountains, they hooked me to a rope and I flew through the gap between the mountains, swimming at 2 degrees in the Ganges … I just did not work, in the future I would still like Nothing with the dolphins When I participate in such activities, life becomes a miracle, “says S. Naku.

They broke up with men because they couldn’t live together

During her life, S. Naku was married three times, but each time Sniegė initiated the divorce herself, and one of the reasons is that the men could not live with her.

“As a muse, I gave them a lot: they made a career, they lived well with me, but they reached the limit of opportunities and could no longer continue. So it didn’t happen to us on the way: one was standing still and the other was taking nine steps forward, ”says S. Naku.

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Although Sniegė is not looking for a new man at the moment, he realizes that at this age, finding the other half in Lithuania is quite difficult.

“Age does not mean anything: a man can be older, fantastic energy and I will run after him. There are many desperate people in my circle of peers. However, in Lithuania, if a man is great, a woman does not leave him. Wait Finding a man my age means taking him away from another woman. I have never done this in my life and my conscience about this is absolutely clear. And there are many free foreigners, there is a lot of space. More so because I know foreign languages, I can communicate with everyone world, “smiles S. Naku.

Hoping to find a man my age means taking him away from another woman.

Snow, who has not felt lonely for a moment since he was 18, is not sad about it today and enjoys the loneliness. Also, gloomy emotions are not affected by constantly floating messages from fans.

“I can barely recover, I just write a little on Facebook … The writers are between 23 and 65 years old. If they are normal, I write to them: there are really great people with whom I have a good relationship, but I am not going to get into a relationship yet Now I have a kafas like this … The children grew up, the granddaughter is an adult, I no longer need to do anything. I can go alone with one, go to lunch with another, talk to a third party and not commit to anyone “, he says S. Naku, without ruling out the possibility that he will re-commit to someone in the future.

With his youth, Snow radiates not only on the inside, but also on the outside. While appearance is important, as she says herself, compared to other women, she doesn’t pay much attention to it.

“I pay attention to appearance in moderation, I try to keep my balance. Of course, I love and pamper myself as much as possible, but certainly without fanaticism. I am going to give myself a massage, I do a beauty treatment, but minimally, at least, better. I see more meaning in sports when I feel adrenaline and get points for achieving results on my own. And when you lie down and do something with yourself, there is no such feeling. That is why many loving and supposedly beautiful women are dead inside. When you change the exterior, don’t change your interior, it just looks unnatural and strange. We know a lot about these cases, “emphasizes Sniegė.

I see more meaning in sports when I feel adrenaline rush and get points for achieving results on my own.

Although S. Naku pays a lot of attention to his clothes and cannot afford to even litter with unmatched clothes, he emphasizes that youth does not come from the outside, but from the inside.

“I am a designer, I cannot look bad. Clothes are the upper part of the spiritual body, which reflects your interior, whether you want it or not. But you will not build anything artificially. If there are no emotions inside, everything will collapse,” says Sniegė.

Not everyone is under pressure to accelerate the innate energy in life.

Naku does not pay attention to his age, behaves youthfully and enjoys every day, but admits that he does not want to get old, although sometimes he has to take a break. However, he emphasizes that he behaves like any normal person.

“Who you ask, no one will tell you that they want to grow old. There are those who say they want to age with dignity: not to have plastic surgery, not to inject themselves. However, not everyone is under pressure to accelerate the life of innate energy. Fear is a normal feeling, it is necessary for everyone, but it is important that it does not dominate and is in balance with other feelings. I went swimming in mid-January, there was a long introductory speech, it was so cold that I decided not to swim. It was enough that he didn’t care. I’m already getting better, I’m getting closer to normal people, “laughs Sniegė.

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

Personal album photo album / Sniegė Naku

For other older people who have stopped enjoying life prematurely, S. Naku advises to start believing in a miracle, be brave and creative. However, he points out that change is not as easy as it sounds.

“Life begins with what you bring from your ancestors, and only then does the branch itself begin to grow. Everything has to be done with passion, love, desire, so there is no time to grow old. Look at the artists who drink often, without moderate fog, but they look better than a poor civil servant who is afraid of everything, sits in his chair and never risks anything. Of course it is old.

He must remain a child who is spontaneous, constantly playing. You have to try new things: if yesterday I drove on one road, today I drive on another and immediately everything will be different. It is important to be generous, but getting rid of old rags, what we call charity, is not generosity, ”says Sniegė.
