60 percent. cancer cases are accidental: answered why a healthy diet and sports do not always protect


Speaking about his specialty, M. Strioga said that people in that specialty first study the interaction between the immune system and cancer.

“We determine why we have cancer in general, because one of the functions of the immune system is to prevent it, detect tumor cells, destroy them and thus prevent the clinical development of cancer. This is what happens in most of our bodies, but there are 14 million people in the world each year. people newly diagnosed with cancer. Inevitably, if you have cancer, the malignant tumor cells that have appeared in the body have been able to cross the immune system barrier. “

According to him, he then analyzes what mechanisms are working and how the ability of that immune system to control cancer can be restored when the disease is already present. When asked if there is any way to improve the innate immune system, he assured me that it all depends on the individual things of a person.

“The rhythm of the immune system, what we call the normal immune system, its amplitude or the limits of normality are very different. Our ability to respond to tumor cells or even viral pathogens can vary greatly without going beyond the norm.

As a result, some say they are more likely to get colds and others are not. In fact, the immune potential we have at birth cannot be improved in any way, but we can make it worse. “

According to M. Strioga, the tightening of the immune system in various ways means that it is prepared for rapid stabilization in the event of a threat.

“When we say we have a cold, that term is not very precise. <...>. Let’s say that the mucous membrane of our airways is constantly inhabited by a variety of microorganisms: bacteria, viruses, and fungi.

But as long as they are in a normal environment, as long as their relationship is good and there is a functioning mucosal immune system, then we do not have the disease. However, the right temperature is needed for the immune system to function optimally. The normal temperature is 36.6 degrees and the base temperature is 37 degrees “.

An oncologist gave the example of a person who caught a cold somewhere and overcame the first skin barrier.

“Then the capillaries of the airways in the mucosa contract. What does this mean? Capillaries are the pathway through which various components of the immune system can come from the blood. Consequently, if the road has narrowed, it has narrowed, it is more difficult for them to enter. Another thing is that they also have to pass through the capillary wall. Not only that, the functionality of the components that live in the mucosa also decreases with decreasing temperature.

Then the bacteria or viruses that live there see that the vigilance of the immune system is slightly altered, causing chills. Then there is such a thing that we get sick. Bacteria start to multiply uncontrollably, and then when we thaw, that immune response comes in, but bacteria multiply very quickly. Some every 20 minutes, some every hour, and when the process starts, the immune system is fighting. “

Thus, he said, when hardening occurs, it is shown that the immune system cannot always function in comfortable conditions and, for example, when the body is cold, capillaries can contract. In this way, according to M. Strioga, the surveillance limits of the immune system are extended.

It’s not just people with weak immunity who get cancer

When asked why so many people still have cancer, he commented that the disease also affects people whose immune systems are fully functional.

“It is not the defect of the immune system, say, that works, but the cunning of cancer as tissue. Cancer is a genetically altered tissue that has undergone genetic mutations and produces proteins that give it the advantage of uncontrolled reproduction without being subject to the various regulatory mechanisms of the body.

One of its qualities is the ability to bypass the maintenance of the immune response and adapt when the immune system attacks the cancer to adverse conditions. There is genetic instability in cancerous tissue, tumor, malignant cells and there are mutations to the left and right. Of course, they do not occur selectively, (…) but there are random mutations that can already escape the maintenance of the immune system ”.

According to M. Strioga, the development of cancer for those who do not have any immune system disorders and you should not blame him.

“Simply put, it is a tissue that has appeared in the body and no longer wants to obey any of the regulatory principles of the body. <...>. Suppose that cancer cells derived from pancreatic tissue or kidney tissue, the more malignant, the less differentiated, the more they do not perform the function even of the tissue from which they originate.

Its sole purpose is to multiply uncontrollably, spread throughout the body, and destroy the tissues in which it spreads. In fact, it is a road to nowhere and eventually leads that organism to the grave. Therefore, with a tissue that does not obey any laws, the immune system, of course, is more difficult to fight. Still, the immune system works according to the rules. “



Long-term immunosuppression has also been reported to be associated with an increased risk of various tumor diseases.

“Suppose that the constant use of immunosuppressive therapy after a kidney or heart transplant increases the risk of epithelial carcinoma of the skin by 2 to 500 times. Other tumors grow several and dozens of times. Therefore, long-term immunosuppression is associated with an increased risk of cancer disease. “

However, he added, it also depends on what immunosuppression is applied.

Does a healthy lifestyle help?

However, most people try to eat a healthy and proper diet, exercise, maintain a sleep and rest regimen, not stress, etc. So they think that nothing bad can happen. However, can cancer really be eliminated by eliminating all threats?

“Of course, if all those principles of a healthy lifestyle are followed, the possibilities will be reduced. Unfortunately, not so long ago, approximately in these ten years, the famous Vogelstein laboratory in the United States showed that all cancers that occur in humans they are pure coincidence. In other words, you can live in the mountains, drink goat’s milk, eat berries, but in our cells that multiply, with each reproduction cycle, for example, mutations constantly accumulate in the cells. mother.

The process of reproduction of our genetic material is not exact. <...>. It will not escape from it anywhere, but not all mutations or multiple mutations mean that the accumulated cell will turn into cancer. A certain cancerous mutanoma must form mutations in specific genes that make that cell so crazy that it goes crazy and eventually malignant. It’s a complete coincidence. “

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It is true that he did not rule out those factors when people do not adhere to any principles to maintain a sustainable body system.

“Smoking simply causes mutations because the carcinogens in tobacco smoke are mutagenic. It goes without saying that in addition to the natural mutational process that is inevitable and that the mutation accumulates, and if there are still some harmful factors, the risk of cancer increases. significantly ”.

However, Mr. Strioga regretted that even a very healthy life is not protected against cancer.

“Often these are cancer patients who did not smoke, did not drink, did sports, ate their own products and why did they get sick? <...>. But the course of your illness may already be easier. Nothing 100 percent. You are not immune to cancer, but a healthy lifestyle reduces that risk. “
