503 new cases of coronavirus identified, two people died


During the last day, 503 new cases of coronavirus were detected in Lithuania. The last time it was registered in half a thousand cases was on May 28, when 559 people were infected with the coronavirus and 12 died.

The country conducted 6,722 molecular antigen (PCR) tests and 8,804 suspected coronavirus tests on Tuesday.

A total of 284,191 people were diagnosed with coronavirus in Lithuania. There are 3,538 sick patients this year, 269,840. The number of people recovering per day was supplemented by 178 people.

The number of new diseases in 14 days is 100 thousand. the population increased to 146.3 cases and the proportion of positive diagnostic tests to 3 percent.

2 people died on the last day. The virus claimed a total of 4,022 lives.

37 people with coronavirus were hospitalized each day. Currently, 200 people are being treated in hospitals, 23 of whom are in resuscitation.

12,624 residents were fully vaccinated Tuesday. The first dose of the vaccine was administered to 8,822 people and the second to 3,802. There are currently 1,260,578 people who have been fully vaccinated in Lithuania.

Green light for the third shot

The Minister of Health, Arūnas Dulkys, says that this week the procedure of how a part of the people will be vaccinated for the second time, the third dose of the vaccine, will come into force. According to him, legislation has already been drawn up for this.

“The administration of the third dose of the vaccine to people with various diagnoses will take effect this week. It will be possible to change some vaccines and mix them,” the minister told News Radio.

According to him, studies are currently being carried out on the results of the first vaccinated medical personnel and when they should be revaccinated.

“Vaccination procedures come into our lives, just for the moment some research may be missing, but it is being done, we are constantly working on it and I think we will have more news in the fall that will help solve those problems,” he added. said A. Dulkys.

According to him, vaccination with the third vaccine is expected to be available to a wider circle of people in the fall.

Delta strain dominance

Since the second week of July, the delta strain of coronavirus has completely dominated in Lithuania; now it represents about 95%. of all diagnosed cases, the government said Tuesday.

According to her, with the prevalence of this variety, the exponential growth of COVID-19 cases began throughout Lithuania.

The report indicates that in the Klaipėda and Vilnius regions, the results of the growth of delta cases are already being observed in hospitals, where the number of occupied beds is also growing very rapidly.

According to the government, as of June 1, 96 percent. people hospitalized and who died of COVID-19 were not fully vaccinated.

Statistics show that coronavirus infection is currently more prevalent among people under the age of 50, accounting for 80% of cases. new records, and in fall and winter this group accounted for about 50 percent. of all infections.

Outbreaks have increased

The number of new outbreaks in Lithuania nearly doubled during the week, the National Public Health Center (NVSC) reported on Tuesday.

According to the Center, at the end of last week, 55 active COVID-19 outbreaks were recorded in Lithuania, compared with 29 the previous week. The number of active outbreaks decreased to 18 about a month ago.

Epidemiologists in the food industry and manufacturing companies see the largest increase in outbreaks.

Eight outbreaks were recorded in the food industry, when there was one a week earlier.

“In the manufacturing sector last week, 40 percent. 10 active outbreaks of COVID-19 were reported, compared to six in the previous week, ”the NVSC report said.

According to epidemiologists, last week the number of active outbreaks in commerce, furniture manufacturing, the construction industry and service companies was recorded, reaching several to several percent.
