5 doctor’s tips on how to strengthen immunity


The doctor notes that negative thoughts, ignorance, fear, or even panic caused by a large amount of negative information not only cause psychological problems, but also weaken the immune system, one of the main allies in the current fight. against the COVID-19 virus. “This virus is completely new to our immune system, but by knowing the characteristics of our opponent, we can more rationally prepare for current or future encounters with him.” After all, we go into battle with the determination of victory, not the intimidation of impending defeat. “

The professor explains that when a microorganism enters the human body, an immune response begins, which takes place in two stages. First, certain immune cells try to stop the pathogen and prevent it from spreading, and then, after identifying the pathogen’s unique properties, the body begins to produce more specific fighters, antibodies.

“Some antibodies block the entry of microbes into cells, while others, by neutralizing, mark microbes and infected cells that are destroyed by other immune components. COVID-19 serological tests are based on the detection of these antibodies, which They show whether a person has been infected with a coronavirus. Although a positive test for these antibodies can tell a lot about the subject’s past and past contact with the infectious agent, it cannot tell the future. Scientists do not yet know whether antibodies to it Viruses can protect us from reinfection with COVID-19 infection and how long this protection could last, “says the professor. B. Šitkauskienė.

However, antibodies are not the only weapons of the immune system. T lymphocytes are also important cells in the immune response. Among its many auxiliary functions, T lymphocytes help young B lymphocytes mature and become antibody-producing machines.

“T lymphocytes are powerful individual fighters capable of stopping the spread of dangerous microorganisms throughout the body. They determine the cellular immune response, which is very important in protecting against viruses and agents of tuberculosis or fungi, explains prof. B. Šitkauskienė. – In countries with universal vaccination against tuberculosis, the incidence of COVID-19 is lower and the incidence is more severe. Vaccination against tuberculosis activates T lymphocytes, which are important in protecting the body against viral infections, possibly COVID-19, but scientists are carrying out more detailed studies to confirm or refute this hypothesis.

The World Health Organization is organizing an international clinical trial of possible vaccines against COVID-19, in which specialists from the Immunology and Allergology Clinic of the Kaunas Clinics have also been invited to participate. “For us, this is an important evaluation, and we would be delighted to contribute to this important study, which will perhaps be a cornerstone in the victory over COVID-19,” says the professor. B. Šitkauskienė.

What strengthens immunity?

1. balanced diet;
2. work and rest regime;
3. physical activity;
4. surveillance of chronic diseases;
5. Take care of yourself not only when you get sick, but throughout the year.

“All this strengthens our immunity or keeps it in good condition and, if necessary, helps it fight pathogens,” advises the professor of allergology and clinical immunologist. Brigita Šitkauskienė.

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