5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible


The murdered man was found sitting on the sofa.

Regular drunkenness, conversations, the content of which only revolves around alcohol and informal work, for which men are also rewarded with the cheapest beer or vodka. Finally, a horrible murder in the exhausting house of a drunk and a criminal case, whose investigation revealed details of a way of life that is difficult to understand.

All this is not the reality of life in any corner of Lithuania. Until the tragic end, this story unfolded in Kaunas, Romainiai district, Liucijanavos street, where there are many modern houses. The ancient inhabitants of the area also lived their lives among the settlers, and their hobby of getting drunk eventually turned into a bloody massacre.

“To the right of the room, on the sofa by the wall, there is a male corpse: sitting, with his head back on the back of the sofa, his arms towards his torso, palms towards his hips, his legs bent over knees and supported on the floor in a single line.

The corpse’s body, nose area, left cheek area, and cheek contain dried blood, thick, dark clots, barely open mouth, and blood clots can also be seen in its cavity.

There is a cracking of the broken nostrils when I feel it, and there is a bloody abrasion on the left side of the nasal backpack. Deep bluish purple subcutaneous bruising and swelling on the left eyelids, a small wound that yawns from the outer end of the left eyebrow, from which the blood is heavy, “said a police investigator who found a man killed in a house turned into drunk land in Kaunas, Liucijanava street.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© Photo by A.Stackevič.

Found up to 5.4 per thousand binge drinking after arrest

Forensic scientists soon identified the main suspect: Petras Skarbalius, 59, who lived in the same Romainiai district with his sister, and was a constant abuser of the deceased.

The man has been convicted five times in the past. He was sentenced to 9 years in prison for murder, 1 year and 6 months in prison for serious bodily harm, and 2 years and 2 months in prison for domestic violence. The last two convictions for P. Skarbalius were for robbery and threat of murder, and a Kaunas resident was arrested for these crimes.

The search for the suspect did not take long. The police officer who participated in his arrest later recalled that during a patrol with a colleague, he had been tasked with finding and arresting P. Skarbalius, suspected of murder. When he went home, where he lived with his sister, the police did not find him.

According to the official, the suspect’s sister explained where to look for him, in the stores where he buys beer. He also warned that his brother had been drinking alcohol for a long time and that he was very aggressive after drinking. This statement was confirmed to the police by a man he met on the street, who asked them how to find P. Skarbaliai. The Kaunas resident he met on the street did not hide who he knew, but said he was afraid to communicate with him, because when he was drunk he was “stupid” and “jumped with knives.”

Mr. Skarbalius was arrested when a carrier with two plastic bottles of cheap beer left the Maxima store. The police said that his teeth were broken, probably during the fighting, and that the man was completely drunk.

“He didn’t get caught in the environment, didn’t even realize the officer was a woman,” he said, “men, men, what’s in here?”

After his arrest, P. Skarbalis was found to have a fatal alcohol concentration that significantly exceeded the recognized norm, including 5.4 per thousand. The most interesting thing is that P. Skarbalius did not mean these numbers. He told investigators that although he had been diagnosed 5.4 per thousand, in his opinion, it was only mild.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

Unexpectedly enriched, he drank and listened to others

The detained P. Skarbalius did not hide after constantly communicating with his son-in-law, Kęstutis Š. This man, who did not have a permanent residence, was lodged in a farm house on Liucijanavos Street, and paid his hostess 100 euros every month. The man was indebted to the hostess, but found a way to pay off the debt.

According to the case file, the deceased, who had no job or home, was able to obtain a thousand. and paid a debt of 300 euros.

Law enforcement officers in the case later said that, for reasons hard to understand, the alcoholic who received the loan was called a “millionaire” among the same friends, so there was no shortage of drinks or beverages at the lodge. .

“He drank the rest of the money and listened to everything. Dainius and Peter also drank together. Until there was a loan, he still drank every day, went to stores, received discounted or discarded products and sold them,” said the owner of the farm.

“He bragged about the loan to everyone, showed documents. At that time, he did not buy poor cigarettes, he bought packs of beer and better vodka, and he served others,” said Kaunas.

At the time, P. Skarbalius lived on the benefits he received, as well as an occasional job for which the locals paid for alcohol. Along with the “full-time” drinker Kęstutis, he had been doing questionable business for some time: He had received obsolete products from stores and sold them.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

The reason for the bloody culmination is the spilled vodka.

The detained P. Skarbalius flew away, the questioned police officers did not deny that Kęstutis, along with the deceased Kęstutis, was drunk and beaten, but they denied having killed him.

In the past, a Kaunas convict changed his testimony five times several times, and when asked why he did so, he gave a difficult explanation. He investigates that it has taken him out of patience, for what he has said nonsense. In the end, he called himself a liar because, out of patience, he speaks something.

Speaking about the fateful meeting with Kęstutis, P. Skarbalius admitted that this first one, around 9 p.m. 45 min. Calling him on the phone and inviting him to visit, he assured him that he had “everything”: beer and vodka.

Upon reaching his usual drinker, he found him sitting on the sofa, under his left eye was a cross wound, and Kęstutis was cleaning the blood with fluff from the toilet paper. When a friend asked him what had happened, he replied that there was nothing to say that it was not his business.

Mr. Skarbalius recalled in great detail the details of the fateful consumption. He told investigators that after sitting down, Kęstutis built a half-liter bottle of vodka, and two other empty vodka bottles stood next to the sofa.

After drinking a glass of vodka, the guest asked Kęstutis if he had beer, because “it doesn’t fly out of pachmiel.” The owner brought out a cheap 7.5 degree bottle of beer. After drinking beer, the men started drinking vodka again.

Mr. Skarbalius recalled that while he was drinking vodka, he almost finished the bottle, poured the burning liquid into a glass with a handle, and poured a few drops on the dirty floor.

“What are you watering? Can’t be filled? Kęstutis was outraged when he heard it.

“Come see, and pour it yourself,” said P. Skarbalius, and he was punched in the right eye for these words.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

Bumps on the face: daily communication

After the blow to the face, P. Skarbalius was no longer indebted to the drinker who heard him, calling him “goose” and hit him in the face. It is true, he said that at that time Kęstutis was cleaning the blood dripping from an older wound with the toilet paper flakes, so he hit his hand not with the fist, but with the hand.

After this outbreak of violence, which, according to P. Skarbalius, was their normal communication norm, the men, as if nothing had happened, spoke more and agreed to meet at night. Kęstutis received expired items at one of the stores, which he sold, and P. Skarbalius helped him transport these items by bicycle.

Later, P. Skarbalius explained to the officials that after having fun with Kęstutis, they both continued to drink beer, and did not even consider such mutual actions as an advertisement, as no one usually pays attention to such things.

After drinking another liter of cheap but strong beer, the two men separated. Kęstutis stayed at home, where the hostess of the house later found her body with a broken nose, and P. Skarbalius went home and later, to look for odd jobs, hoping to get more alcohol.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

He drank continuously for a week before the murder.

In other interviews, P. Skarbalius claimed that Dainius J., who lived with the owner of the house and was constantly drunk with them, could have beaten Kęstutis to death.

When he left the house, sitting on the swing of a tent outside, he heard Dainius curse Kęstutis.

“B ** t, n *** ui, Skarbalius was already here. Seni, you came in and drank a brandy,” P. Skarbalius quoted these words to investigators.

And then he repeated thinking that Kęstutis could have been killed unless Dainius J. woke up in the afternoon, because the deceased had no enemies, had no conflict with anyone, so that no one else could come and kill his friend.

After a time, P. Skarbalius supplemented his testimony with a significant circumstance: he indicated that he had been drinking for about a week without getting drunk.

“It just came to our attention then. And being sober, he would have hit Kęstutis, because he provoked me,” said P. Skarbalius.

Dainius J., who lives with the farm owner, mentioned some other circumstances of the tragedy. According to him, the day before the murder, along with Peter and Kęstutis, he drank in the morning in a tent in the yard. Around noon, the men separated and he went to sleep.

I woke up at 8 p.m. He noticed that the light burned in the house where Kęstutis was hiding, so he went to the drinker. After receiving the loan and hearing everything, Kęstutis took out a 0.7-liter bottle of vodka, drank it in two, and then two-liter cheap beer bottles appeared, which both men also drank.

According to Dainius J., around 9 p.m. 30 minutes. P. Skarbalius appeared in the house, drank another 0.7-liter bottle of vodka, then beer, until the drunk P. Skarbalius fell off the stool. After this incident, Dainius J. told the guest not to take him home, but Kęstutis blocked him: he asked to be taken to another room and put to bed.

After dragging and lying on the bed behind the armpits and covering them, Dainius J. continued to drink until all the bottles had been emptied. He mentioned going back to the house where the hostess lived around midnight and lying in bed with his clothes on.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© Photo by A.Stackevič.

Excited screams over the bloody corpse

Dainius J. spoke about 2 p.m. I was awakened at night by the scream of P. Skarbalius. In the yard, a man standing outside the window yelled that help should be called to number 122, because “the old man is rolling in his blood.”

The farm hostess, who heard this message, urged Dainiai to go see what was going on, but she did not agree. This is not the first time that Dr. Skarbalius has had similar “laughs”.

Kęstutis’ bloody body was found only the next morning. The owner of the house suspected that this did not appear for a long time. After recalling the events of the night, he called Kęstutis, who did not answer, so when suspicions intensified, he went to find out if something had happened to him.

In the hallway of the house he saw blood marks and then, in the room, Kęstutis sitting on the sofa. The woman grabbed her hand while she was cold.

“Kęstutis was sitting bloody, the whole pillow was bloody, there were bloody papers on the floor. There were no wounds on him, he was scaly and his blood was running and drying everywhere,” recalled the witness.

He told a friend to call the general emergency number immediately. The transcript of the conversation was later added to the criminal case file.

“Here, with us, a man lived in a house (…) well, and now, he goes, the hostess was going to see, well, as if he were dead, drowned in bed (…) Kęstas, and not I know his last name, but I know him a long time ago, but … no, I did not go there, I am just lying in bed, I feel bad, “said the man who constantly drank with the deceased to the operators of the General Assistance Center .

When asked if there were signs of violence, he said he was unaware. After hearing about the absorber’s bloody body from the nearby house, the Kaunas resident for some reason didn’t go to find out what really happened there.

“I don’t know, you know, I didn’t even go, I just said, oh, the hostess was gone, she said, all in her blood, the papers were bloody,” she recorded in a phone conversation.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

The cause of death is acute bleeding after a blow to the nose.

“On the left side of the room we see a round wooden table with jars, slices of bread and the rest of a quarter of watermelon. Watermelon is a smoked red cigarette that is taken.

Under the table, on the floor, we see 9 pieces. 1 liter empty beer bottles, 0.5 liter beer cans, three 0.5, 0.7 and 1 liter vodka bottles.

In front of the room, next to the wall, we see two green armchairs, bars on the left, eggs and clothes on the other, messy. In the right corner of the front of the room we see a stool, a fishing rod, various household waste.

Later, forensic experts stated that Kęstutis had suffered at least 12 blows, and the cause of his death was multiple fractures of the nasal bones and nasal and cartilaginous septums.

“It was complicated by external nose bleeding, bleeding, shock. Kęstutis Š. He died from 6 to 8 pm until his body was examined on the scene. The lowest concentration in the body’s blood was found to be 1.61 per thousand of ethyl alcohol, which corresponds to average drunkenness ”, found the experts who examined the remains of the deceased.

Although the defendant P. Skarbalius claimed that the absorber had not killed him, he considered that he himself could have been fatally injured by a fall due to drunkenness, this presumption was denied by forensic experts. They found that all of the injuries inflicted on the deceased was not inherent in the collapse.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

The most important evidence is the victim’s blood.

Probably the most important evidence of P. Skarbalius’ guilt became the expert findings, which indicated that the Kęstutis Š murdered. traces of blood.

During the trial at the Kaunas Regional Court, attention was drawn to the distraction of the accused himself, whose testimony had been changed several times.

“In evaluating the data recorded on the video during the inspection of P. Skarbalius’s testimony, it is obvious that P. Skarbalius has difficulty remembering what happened that night, focusing circumstances not on the events themselves, but on who could buy vodka, which According to him, he drank together with Kęstutis Š. ”, said the judge of the Kaunas Daiva Jankauskien Regional Courtė.

According to the court, the circumstances examined and the testimonies of witnesses who had heard P. Skarbalius’ words about the bleeding Kęstutis Š. It was P. Skarbalius who left the house, having previously struck the victim and inflicted wounds from which the victim was bleeding heavily.

“However, the court has no reason to believe that P. Skarbalius’s explanations given during the pre-trial investigation and in court that he did not kill the victim, were only beaten a few times, because Kęstutis Š was found in P. Skarbalius’s clothes, that is, his vest, in three places “. . blood, in a sample, this blood mixes with P. Skarbalius’ blood, ”said Judge D. Jankauskienė, who examined the case at the Kaunas Regional Court.

Attention was also drawn to the fact that traces of the deceased’s blood were also found in the contents of P. Skarbalius’ shells. As soon as the man suspected of murder was arrested, police officers took samples not only of clothing but also of the contents of the ghosts for investigation. This practice has long been used in criminal investigations.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

Drunk fights: not provocative behavior, but the “norm” of their communication

According to the court, there is no evidence in the case that P. Skarbalius wanted to kill the drinker, whose money was drunk.

However, the fact that the blows were also struck in the face, leaving the victim on the scene, seeing that he was bleeding, suggests that P. Skarbalius had to realize what he was doing that could cause fatal injuries.

“Although he did not want such consequences, he deliberately allowed them to occur, therefore, the court decides that P. Skarbalius Kęstutis Š. murdered in the form of indirect intention, ”said the Kaunas Regional Court.

For the second time in his life, no extenuating circumstances have been established in the actions of a Kaunas citizen who appeared in court.

“His responsibility is compounded by the fact that he committed a crime while intoxicated. Although he consistently emphasized that his drinking did not affect his behavior, judging by his close testimonies, he was a sober person and became aggressive, angry and harassed precisely because of his alcohol consumption, “said the judge who heard the case.

The court found that there was no reason to consider the actions of the deceased, when he began to curse P. Skarbaliai and hit him in the face due to the poured, provocative vodka. This conclusion is based on P. Skarbalius’ own stories about the peculiarities of communication.

“As Fr Skarbalius himself pointed out, in his environment and communication, talking and hitting are considered the norm of behavior and nobody pays attention to him, he said that he did not pay attention to him and continued consuming alcoholic beverages with the victim,” the conviction explained.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

The sisters who buried the murdered brother did not file a civil lawsuit.

Kaunas Regional Prosecutor’s Office prosecutor Edvinas Alosevičius, who supported the state prosecution in this case, offered a 10-year prison sentence to a Kaunas resident convicted a second time of murder. The court almost granted the prosecutor’s request and sentenced the killer to one year less than the prosecutor’s request.

“It should be noted that the victim received at least 12 blows due to a conflict between them, which was caused by an extremely insignificant excuse: the pouring of vodka.”

After the injuries, the victim was conscious, cleaning his blood, but the defendant left the scene without taking any steps to provide assistance to the victim, “said the Kaunas Regional Court, which sentenced him to 9 years in prison for killing the absorber, in a judgment of July 1.

The three sisters who buried the murdered man did not file a civil lawsuit against their brother’s murderer. According to Delfi, P. Skarbalius is unwilling to accept the verdict and intends to appeal it to the Lithuanian Court of Appeal. Most murderers sentenced to long years in prison take advantage of this opportunity.

5.4 per thousand drunkenness ended in a bloody massacre: the image seen on the landing was just horrible

© DELFI / Valdas Kopūstas

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