321 new cases of coronavirus were confirmed in Lithuania, another 11 people died


11 people died last day from COVID-19, aged between 50 and 99 years.

Four of the dead were between 80 and 89 years old, three between 70 and 79 years old and two between 60 and 69 years old.

One deceased belonged to the 90 to 99 age group, the other to the 50 to 59 age group.

All of these people died in hospitals.

Last day, 6001 molecular tests (PCR) and 198 antigens were carried out on the presumed coronavirus. The rate of new illnesses in the last 14 days is 100,000. the population reaches 242.5 cases. The proportion of positive diagnostic tests in the last seven days is 6.4 percent.

In Lithuania, since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has affected 209 thousand people. 11 people.

Currently, 7126 people are sick, the declared number of patients is 50 thousand. 674.

A total of 3,476 people have died in Lithuania since COVID-19. 7030 deaths have been linked to this infectious disease, directly and indirectly.

The first dose of COVID-19 was administered to six people last day, followed by 249 people. A total of 275 thousand people were vaccinated with the first dose in the country. 382 people, both doses – 124 thousand. 481 person.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 811 COVID-19 patients, 83 of them in resuscitation.

Oxygen is added to 680 patients and 41 patients receive artificial lung ventilation.

77 people were hospitalized for COVID-19 per day.

Signs of the third wave pandemic in Lithuania

The coronavirus raises its head again. The alarm is already sounding in much of Europe. The first signs of the third wave of viruses can already be seen in Lithuania. For their part, employees of the Ministry of Health (SAM) are brainstorming ideas on how to make the best use of the most powerful weapon available: vaccines.

The dynamics of the spread of the coronavirus is increasingly worrying. The doctor of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University writes on his Facebook account that “the third wave still raises its head.” The flow of patients in hospitals is slowly increasing and coronavirus tests increasingly show a positive response. The specialist points out that similar processes have been observed in foreign countries where the “British” strain of the virus has spread.

“Looking at the data, it seems that the third wave is still rearing its head. During the week, the daily number of new cases increased between + 10% and + 20% (depending on how long we are moving the moving average). The number of Deaths “from covid” has stopped decreasing and has stabilized at 10 per day. The number of deaths “with covid” continues to fall slightly and is approaching 20 per day.

The percentage of positive tests also jumped and settled at 6.8%. Vilnius grew more than 25% per week for the third week in a row, Klaipeda was not far behind this week, Kaunas also returned to take-off mode. Vilnius district even surpassed Kaunas in absolute numbers, ”noted M. Puida.

What are the specialties of the above vaccine?

SAM reviews the list of specialties that perform socially important functions listed in the vaccination priority list, writes the news portal lrt.lt.

It is scheduled to be approved next week.

“Priorities are currently being considered. As we have a number of requests, referrals, and applications, this is currently a review of the priority list. The composition of the priority group that performs vital functions important to the state may also be reviewed and changed. accordingly. There will be adjustments, “said SAM Chancellor Jurgita Grebenkovienė on lrt.lt.

Currently, employees with important functions in society are ranked 16th on the vaccination priority list. They will be vaccinated against the elderly, people with various diseases and people undergoing treatment in psychiatric institutions.

The list of such specialties includes, for example, officers, soldiers, employees of commercial places.

By order of the Minister of Health, the President, the members of the Seimas and the Government are included in the order of priorities as of Monday.

Threat to ban the export of the vaccine

The head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, threatened to suspend exports of AstraZeneca vaccines on Saturday if the European Union does not initially receive their shipments.

Complicating the dispute over vaccine delivery delays, von der Leyen said in an interview with the German media group Funke: “We have an opportunity to ban planned exports. News [farmacijos milžinei] AstraZeneca: First fulfill your contract with Europe, then start supplying [vakcinas] other countries “.

The British and Swedish company itself has admitted not being able to deliver on its promise, and this deficiency has slowed down an already widely criticized vaccination campaign in the EU.

The dispute has also sparked an international conflict, with EU officials outraged that AstraZeneca is fulfilling its contract with the UK but not fulfilling its obligations to the bloc.

Business about immunity passport

In evaluating the idea of ​​implementing the Immunity Passport, the president of the Lithuanian Employers’ Confederation (GDL), Danas Arlauskas, stated that it would unequivocally accelerate the recovery of the country’s economy. Meanwhile, Raimondas Pranka, president of the Lithuanian Association of Bars and Cafes, emphasizes that it is necessary to carefully evaluate the conditions for applying for this passport in order to avoid discrimination against certain groups in society.

Mr. Arlauskas Eltai stated that the idea of ​​the Immunity Passport should be implemented as soon as possible.

“I totally agree with the idea of ​​the Immunity Passport, I am very happy with such an innovative tool. There were all kinds of languages ​​that maybe you should start using it when more people get vaccinated, but it’s worth starting with even one person. In this way, the public will know that those who have this passport will have a much greater opportunity for freedom, and then people will be vaccinated much more actively. They will fully understand that this will open up opportunities for them to go not only to the adjacent area, but also abroad, ”he said.

“Passports will accelerate the recovery process of the entire economy,” emphasized the President of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania.
