3 unexpected recipes to help you cool off


“Cucumbers are truly one of the shoppers’ favorite vegetables, without them we cannot imagine the cold borscht or other refreshing dishes that symbolize summer. Cucumber sales peak in June and July. Compared to last year, this year, during the warm season, the demand for short-leaf cucumbers increased by as much as 10 percent. The increase in cucumber sales may have been influenced by the record heat that hit Lithuania. For example, in July, up to 30 tonnes of cucumbers are bought in our retail network per week, ”says Vaida Budrienė, communications manager for retail chain Iki.

Favorite in many countries

Jolanta Sabaitienė, a fruit and vegetable expert at retail chain Iki, says cucumbers are a great snack when you want to cool off on a hot summer day.

“Cucumbers are appreciated and loved in Lithuania. They are usually eaten alone on a hot day and can also be traditionally flavored with honey, eaten with sour cream, or placed in cold borscht. In addition, putting cucumber slices on the face also revitalizes the skin, ”says J. Sabaitienė.

According to the expert, cucumbers are not only loved by Lithuanians. They are so loved that even their day is announced, and not even one. Cucumbers are an extremely common ingredient in the kitchens of various countries.

In Asia, for example, this vegetable is added to various salads and is also easily marinated. The Greeks use cucumbers in traditional Greek salads and to make Tajik sauce. Middle Eastern residents combine fresh cucumber sticks with their traditional hummus spread. In Slavic countries, cucumbers are served with sour cream or fermented.

Cucumbers are also used in the production of various drinks – smoothies, lemonades or cocktails, in addition, some cucumber slices can be seasoned with water – so it will acquire a fresh and fresh taste.

Cucumbers belong to the same family as squash, melons, and watermelons. They love heat and humidity, which is why they are usually planted in early summer. Its fruit grows between 50 and 60 days after sowing.

Although cucumbers originated in South Asia, this vegetable is now grown on almost every continent. When it arrived in Europe, cucumbers had been cultivated in Asia for at least 3,000 years. Historical sources show that cucumbers were already cultivated in France in the 9th century, in England in the 14th century, and in the middle of the 16th century, this vegetable reached North America.

Replenish the body with fluids and vitamins.

J.Sabaitienė says that cucumbers are especially low in calories. 100 g of cucumber of them only 16. Also, cucumbers contain a lot of water, which helps to maintain a normal amount of fluid in the body.

Consuming cucumber helps normalize blood pressure. They are rich in nutrients that protect against various health problems such as heartburn, asthma, arthritis, gout and eczema.

Cucumbers also contain antioxidants that prevent the accumulation of harmful free radicals and can reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Cucumbers also contain iron and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the body. In addition, its consumption improves heart function, restores the skin and the vitamin B in cucumbers strengthens the bones.

J.Sabatienė offers not to forget to include cucumbers in your daily diet and shares several special recipes.

Easily seasoned spring cucumbers

Will need:

  • fresh cucumbers
  • a handful of dill
  • teaspoon of salt
  • several cloves of garlic

How to produce

Cucumbers must first be cut lengthwise. Then chop the garlic and fresh dill. Finally put everything in a bag, add salt and shake well. Whole bagged cucumbers are kept in the refrigerator and eaten after a few hours.

Cucumber, watermelon and feta salad

Will need:

  • 4 cups of watermelon, chopped
  • 2 cups cucumber sliced
  • a large handful of sliced ​​feta cheese
  • 1 tablespoon minced mint
  • 1 tablespoon basil, chopped
  • lime juice
  • a pinch of salt and black pepper
  • olive oil slag

How to produce

Add the watermelon, cucumber, feta cheese, basil, and mint to a large bowl. Cover everything with freshly squeezed lemon juice, add a slice of olive oil, salt and pepper, mix well.

Cucumber lemonade

Will need:

  • 500 g cucumbers
  • 7 pcs. lemons
  • 5 as agave syrup
  • 400 ml of carbonated water

How to produce

Peel a cucumber and mash it with a food chopper. Cut the pulp of the cucumber through a small strainer or cloth. Squeeze the lemon and mix it with the cucumber juice. Season with agave syrup, add carbonated table water, and stir. Serve with plenty of ice and fresh cucumber slices.

