3 thousand euro salary for unskilled work in Lithuania: too good to be true?


The job advertisement posted on the social network said that the masons were looking for work in Lithuania. The remuneration was also indicated – 3 thousand. euros in hand.

This announcement has received a lot of comments. Most did not believe in the proposed salary and said that employers were simply misleading people. Others joked that the ad author probably added too many zeros or forgot to write that the salary is not paid for one but for 2 or 3 months.

Job announcement.  Facebook photo

Others joked that they were already looking for bricklayer courses and would try to work for such a generous company.

And others resented that Lithuanians were never good.

“When employers offer 500 euros, people scream for slaves who would work for nothing. And when it offers 3 thousand. euros, shout nonsense again. Probably, when you don’t want to work, then everything goes wrong “, wrote the user of the social network.

The company has not yet been established

The journalist from the tv3.lt portal contacted the author of the advertisement, pretending that she wanted to get a job and asked her for more information: which company is looking for employees, which employee must meet the requirements, when is it possible to start working.

We received a response that the company has not yet been established. However, the selection of employees will be completed in a week. According to him, the work will have to be done throughout Lithuania, and those who apply for this position must submit a CV. He added that the company’s vision of the future is respect for the worker.

However, just a couple of days later, the ad was removed from the social network.

in lithuania look for the salary of a bricklayer 7002000 EURs

Robertas Encius, Head of the Competency Assessment Division of the Lithuanian Builders Association (LSA), commenting Facebooke ran an ad arguing that companies working in foreign facilities actually pay bricklayers so much.

“However, with respect to this particular ad, it may have been placed by a company looking for employees to work abroad. But most of the time, the worker himself does not receive such remuneration and has to pay a fee to the company for the job, “said the specialist.

According to him, masons in Lithuania earn from 700 to 2 thousand. euros in hand.

“Why so much difference? Well, if a bricklayer in a warm room is divided into masonry, which are not subject to quality requirements, the conditions and profits will be low.

However, if you build the elevator shaft on the 7th or 9th floor or the finishing wall of the facade on the same floor through the rain and you can build 2 or more cubic meters, then you can earn 2 thousand. euros, ”Encius explained.

According to him, the remuneration of a bricklayer depends on the skills he has, the complexity of the work he can do and how much he can do during the shift.

Unpopular Masonry Specialty?

Mr. Encius noted that the number of students in construction vocational programs had fallen by nearly 40% in three years.

“Of the future bricklayers and concrete mixers, only a few enter. But the global trend is similar. This is probably because people no longer want to work hard, physical jobs where there is a lot of dust and a lot of pollution, for example.

Today, people are looking for creative, “clean” work that does not harm their health. Therefore, the construction market is also transforming. Companies will inevitably have to implement innovative technologies so that a person who arrives at the construction site does not feel enslaved and working hard and physically exhausting ”, said the specialist.

The profession of bricklayer can be acquired in vocational training centers. For example, at the Kaunas Technical Vocational Training Center, a bricklayer training program costs one person 1,230.89 euros. Here, future masons learn in theoretical and practical classes. The duration of the practical training is longer, it lasts 15 weeks.

Those who wish to change their profession can request it at the Employment Service. It finances the costs of vocational training services, awards a training grant, pays for travel to the nearest vocational training provider and living expenses if the vocational institution is located in another city.

However, those who wish to study must sign a tripartite or bilateral agreement.

The tripartite agreement stipulates that the Employment Service will finance the vocational training, the future employer will hire after the training according to the qualification or competence acquired over a period of at least 6 months, and the participant of the vocational training will work with the employer planned and will work according to the qualification or competence acquired.

The bilateral agreement stipulates that the Employment Service will finance the vocational training, and a participant in the vocational training will find employment in a job offered or found by the Employment Service or will start self-employment according to the qualification or competence acquired and will work for at least 6 months.

When concluding a bilateral agreement, the VET provider chooses the VET provider himself or, in the case of a tripartite agreement, in agreement with the employer.
