26-year-old millionaire Alex Lebedev spoke about a difficult start in business, the secrets of his success and his fears.


He knows that large amounts of money can bring not only happiness, but also many problems, so he openly shared his story with the audience of the program “The World of Women,” the press release reads.

Alex caught the bird of his fortune in London, but until then he had to be disappointed and leave it empty more than once. In Lithuania it was overcrowded; When he was only seventeen he went to London, but the guy didn’t have much luck there.

“It just came to my attention then. I brought a CV, they accepted me. I went through training that nobody paid for, and then they told me that they couldn’t hire me because they didn’t see me at seventeen years old,” Alex recalls the difficult beginning. He doesn’t hide the fact. that his young age not only became an obstacle to continue working, but was also a bad employee.

After taking nothing in London, Alex returned to Lithuania to finish school. While the other graduates planned further studies at top universities, he dreamed of going back and succeeding. He returned to London, but his disappointments continued, so he returned to Lithuania, where he learned the art of sales. Then, for the third time, he headed to the city of his dreams: more confident, more mature, and more determined.

Success and testing

This time things were different. He shared what awaited him when he arrived in London for the third time, which encouraged him to improve and move on. The ambitious young man did not wait for success to smile at him, he delved into sales secrets until he became the best in the company where he worked.

The excellent sales results also led to a significant increase in salary – life began to change.
“I started paying more, I celebrated more, my ego increased, I started to earn more than what doctors earn. Little by little, alcohol stopped being a friend, it became the cause of many problems, ”says Alex.

Alex began to realize that such a lifestyle could shatter all of his dreams. Realizing it was time to stop, the guy gave up alcohol entirely. Life flowed on its own, in a quiet bed, before the pandemic began.

A pandemic is a chance to win a million

With the onset of the pandemic, it was time for a new business plan proposed to Alex by his wife. Suddenly everyone needed face masks, so the guy made his first million selling them.

“It just came to our knowledge then. I am very grateful, I don’t know who, if there is a god, it is a god that everything fell like this,” says the interlocutor.

The mask business is changing, its demand is currently declining, but Alex’s customers are still coming back – quality face masks have already gained a stable market share. This allows the young man to continue growing his business and living the way he wants, without alcohol, with ambitious goals.

Alex, the founder of Byana.lt, told about the difficult start in business, the secrets of his success and his fears on the program “World by Women”, which viewers are invited to watch this Sunday at 10 am. on TV3.

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