26 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed: most of them related to foci



The National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reports that twenty-six new cases of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) were confirmed yesterday in Lithuania. Thirteen of them are in Kaunas, related to the outbreak at the transport company. Nine recently confirmed cases identified in Vilnius County are related to family celebrations where COVID-19 has already been confirmed. How another person became infected in Vilnius is unclear at the moment, circumstances are being established. Another case was confirmed in Panevėžys county. In addition, two other import cases were identified: from Sweden and Spain.

The first of the confirmed cases yesterday was identified in Vilnius County by a person who contacted the person on July 4. A person who participated in a family celebration in Salininkai. In total, there are now ten cases related to these family vacations in Salininkai, including this new case identified yesterday.

Eight more new cases were confirmed yesterday in Vilnius County. They are all associated with a family party on July 11. As previously announced, people attended this celebration on July 2. returning from Croatia, who were the first to be diagnosed with coronavirus. Therefore, fourteen cases of COVID-19 associated with these family vacations have been identified so far, including those identified yesterday.

Thirteen new cases were confirmed in Kaunas County yesterday. All of these cases are related to an outbreak at a transportation company. COVID-19 was approved by twelve foreigners who had contact with infected people at their place of residence. These people were in isolation. Coronavirus was also detected for a Lithuanian driver who had contacted these individuals. This means that a total of 34 confirmed cases are now linked to this outbreak, including those identified yesterday.

The twenty-third case identified yesterday was registered in Panevėžys County. COVID-19 was diagnosed in a person who had been in contact with a person who had previously been diagnosed with coronavirus. The person did not experience the characteristic symptoms of a coronavirus infection. Three contact persons were identified who were isolated. Epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

The twenty-fourth case was confirmed in Vilnius. In one individual, a coronavirus infection test was performed to detect symptoms. The man of June 30 was discovered. on vacation, so he had no contacts at work. The circumstances under which a person may have become infected are currently being clarified.

The twenty-fifth case has been identified in Klaipėda County. The person arrived at Palanga airport from Sweden through Denmark. The case was identified during a preventive inspection.

The 26th confirmed case yesterday was established in Kaunas County. Person July 20. He returned to Lithuania from Spain through the Vilnius airport. According to the available data, the person was isolated, had no contact with other people. The study was performed prophylactically after the trip.

In Lithuania, a total of 1986 cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed for specific people, 277 people are still sick, 1616 have recovered and 99 people are isolated.

Information from the National Center for Public Health
