250 checkpoints will be installed at the entrances to municipal centers, the police promise not to punish, but to dialogue


According to the Government Resolution, a person may only leave the municipality of residence due to the death of close relatives, to work when the workplace is in another municipality or for the necessary medical assistance. The restriction does not apply to people who move to another municipality where they have real estate that they own.

“Movement restrictions will be introduced from tomorrow. Although we also had them in the spring, the situation was dramatically different. At that time we had 200 diseases, now we have 3 thousand”, – said A.Bilotaitė.

“Safe Vacation Plan”, called the minister the measures, according to which the police will install posts at the accesses to the municipalities, a reinforced force of officials will work and compliance with the prohibitions will be controlled by non-public means.

Answers to frequently asked travel questions can be found here.

Roads will be blocked only on weekends and holidays

The poles, he said, will be installed starting December 18. 1 pm until December 20. 9 pm, from December 23. 1 pm until December 27. 9 pm and from December 31st. 1 pm until January 3. 9 pm

Some 250 checkpoints will be installed. Part of the entrances will be blocked by technical means. Cameras and prohibition signs will be installed.

According to Police Chief Renatas Požėla, checkpoints will be installed only at the entrances to municipal centers. However, he stressed that the police also have non-public measures.

Luke April / 15min photo / Renatas Požėla

Luke April / 15min photo / Renatas Požėla

For example, a person who is found speeding in a municipality other than where he lives will not only have to pay a fine, but will also have to explain why he visited.

According to him, trips to other municipalities, when people go to rest in rented farmhouses, officials will have to interrupt.

“Especially if you want to go and be in that room for more than one member of the family farm,” said R. Požėla.

Recommended to have supporting documents with you for the purpose of travel, which will simplify the verification procedure. It did not detail what these documents were.

“It is recommended to have certain documents, extracts of documents, to have them after taking a photo, then the verification procedures would be simplified,” requested the Commissioner General.

R. Požėla pointed out that people cannot always consult police information number 8 700 60000 if they are not sure they can go to another municipality.

“This is a number that people can call, share their situation and the police will give a qualified response,” reported R. Požėla.

The commissioner hinted that officials will also follow criteria of reasonableness, and will also be more lenient with emigrant travel.

“If a person living abroad does not have a declared place of residence in Lithuania or does not have real estate, there are criteria of reasonableness and if the person says they are going to visit their parents, then the officials will miss that person. But if the emigrant has a property in a particular municipality, but goes to another, formally we will have to stop that trip ”, said R. Požėla.

A reinforced force of officials will work

A.Bilotaitė said that a reinforced police force would work during the quarantine period, other officials from the Interior Ministry, the Military Police and the Riflemen’s Union would come to their aid.

“On normal days, 750 crews take to the streets, these days 920 crews will go out,” said the minister. “We will not have enough police forces alone, so it was agreed on Monday to ensure the participation of internal affairs officers, the participation of the Military Police and the Riflemen’s Union, which worked very well in the spring.”

About 1,000 officers will supervise the wearing of masks to ensure that people do not congregate, as well as verify the appropriateness of the movement in public places.

“The police will not have a purpose to punish, the police will have a purpose to explain first. With this plan, we hope for the understanding and awareness of the public, ”said A.Bilotaitė.

R. Požėla said 3.5 thousand. People have already been punished for violating quarantine requirements.

“We would be very happy if that number does not increase during the quarantine period,” said the police chief, promising to punish only those with whom one could not agree on the beautiful.

The cabinet, meeting on Sunday, extended the quarantine until January 31 and tightened it.

From December 16 to January 4 A person may only leave the municipality of residence due to the death of close relatives, to work when the workplace is in another municipality or for the necessary medical assistance. The restriction does not apply to people who move to another municipality where they have real estate that they own.

As of December 16:

Close contact from more than one household is prohibited.

It is forbidden to move on the territory of the municipality for unnecessary reasons. It is possible to leave the house for work, a place of commerce, a funeral, to receive health services, to care for the sick or for a real estate object managed by property law.

It is not forbidden to go for a walk, but only with members of the same family farm. No more than two people from different families can meet in a public place.

Only grocery, optical and orthopedic stores, pharmacies, veterinary stores will be able to work from stores.

Only grocery stores will operate in markets and other public outlets.

Online sales are not prohibited when products are delivered or collected from collection points.

Contact services are prohibited.

This means that hair salons, hair salons and similar places will close their doors.

The exception applies to psychological assistance services that cannot be provided remotely, and other exceptions remain in which health services can be provided through contact.

Services where contact with the client does not last more than 15 minutes are not prohibited.

The decision made on Sunday to provide business accommodation services only for self-isolation family members.

Preschool and preschool education will take place in the usual way, lessons in schools will take place remotely.
