25 people died from coronavirus per day and 1,361 people died from being infected


425 people recovered on the last day. Since the start of the pandemic, 147,000 people have been infected with COVID-19 in the country. 997 people, 67 thousand. 648 people recovered.

A total of 1,950 people died from coronavirus in Lithuania.

People ages 50 to 99 died from COVID-19

Twenty-five people between the ages of 50 and 99 died from COVID-19 each day, the Statistics Department said Monday.

Nine women and 16 men died. Most, ten, of the dead were over 80 years old, five were over 60 years old. Four of the deaths belonged to age groups between 50 and 70 years, two were older than 90 years.

Lithuania Statistics is currently reviewing deaths, so they are not broken down by city.

Almost 2.6 thousand people are treated in hospitals. COVID-19 patients, 189 in resuscitation

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 2,571 COVID-19 patients, 189 of them in resuscitation, the Statistics Department reported on Monday.

In addition, 1,598 patients are given oxygen and 132 are given artificial lung ventilation.

Of more than 16.6 thousand. more than 7.8 thousand hospital beds are currently occupied. Of the 687 resuscitation beds, 417 were occupied. Of the 639 beds that could be subjected to artificial pulmonary ventilation, 277 were occupied and 2368 of the 6290 were occupied by beds with oxygen supply.

A total of 147 thousand people were registered in Lithuania. 997 COVID-19 cases, 77 thousand. 832 people recovered, 67 thousand. 648 – tebeserga. A total of 1,950 people died from coronavirus.

Movement: only when necessary

With the tightening of the quarantine, residents are prohibited from traveling aimlessly. Leave the place of residence from December 16. until January 31. 24 hours is only possible in exceptional cases.

Exceptions are provided for going to work, a place of business, own real estate, funerals. People traveling to or from airports, seaports, bus stations can also move.

Travel is also permitted for reasons of medical care and other essential services or for objectively justified reasons when travel is absolutely necessary. Residents can go to care for the sick or unable to care for themselves.

Finally, residents are free to walk in open spaces. Open spaces can include members of the same family or a household, or groups of no more than two people. Household: people who live in a house.
