228 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day, with another death reported


After contact with people confirmed by coronavirus, epidemiologists estimated that 174 people were infected last day. In addition, a case of importation from Poland was registered in Kaunas county. At that time, 53 people did not identify the circumstances of the infection.

126 cases are associated with outbreaks

In Vilnius County, the last day there were cases related to chimneys in educational institutions. 4 cases are related to Vilnius Martynas Mažvydas Progymnasium, 2 – to Švenčionys District Pabradė “Žeimena” Gymnasium, another 3 cases are related to Vilnius Northern Lyceum. After 1 case, it is associated with the Švenčionėliai King Mindaugas Gymnasium, Švenčionėliai district, Vilnius Kindergarten “Gėlynas”, as well as with the Vilnius Kindergarten “Žemyna”, Skaidiškės Kindergarten School of Vilnius .

In Telšiai County, 2 cases are related to an outbreak at the Plungė Old Town School, in Šiauliai County, 2 cases are estimated to be related to an outbreak at the Day Employment Center of the Basic School Joniškis Saulė. Another 4 cases of infection recorded in Šiauliai are associated with the outbreak at the Spindulis Education Center.

In Kaunas County, a case is associated with an outbreak at Kaunas Vaižgantas Progymnasium University of Technology, Kaunas Aleksotas Kindergarten, Kaunas Basketball School “Žalgiris” and the gymnasium of the University of Health Sciences from Lithuania.

Fireplaces-related cases have also been reported in nursing and treatment centers.

An estimated 10 cases recorded in Kaunas County are related to the outbreak at the Kaunas Clinics Department of Surgery, of which 7 are patients and 3 are employees. 9 cases, confirmed on Friday, are linked to the focus of the Palanga Rehabilitation Hospital, of which 5 are staff and 4 are patients.

Additionally, 9 cases are associated with the outbreak at the Panev Enfermežys Republican Hospital Infectious Diseases Clinic. 7 of these people are employees, 2 – patients.

Another 3 cases are associated with an outbreak at Kuršėnai Hospital, 1 case of infection yesterday is associated with outbreaks at Rokiškis Psychiatric Hospital, as well as Kelmė, Plungė and Jurbarkas Hospitals.

7 cases of COVID-19 were registered on Friday in the special social care homes of Marijampolė, of which 3 are employees and 4 residents of these homes. A total of 22 infections are estimated to be associated with the outbreak.

The 7 cases recorded yesterday in Vilnius County are estimated to be related to the outbreak at the Vilnius basketball club “Kibirkšties-MRU”. 4 cases – related to the outburst in the “Trimitas” wind orchestra. 3 cases of COVID-19 are related to the Kartena branch of the Kretinga Cultural Center. Case 1 in Vilnius is associated with an outbreak in the Sanatorija and Bardakas bars.

In Panevėžys County, an estimated 4 new cases of coronavirus are related to the outbreak in Pasvalys Police Commissariat, 2 cases in Tauragura County, with the outbreak in the Army Brigadier General’s Artillery Battalion. Lithuania Motiejus Pečiulionis.

The circumstances of the infection in 53 people are unclear.

Currently, epidemiologists have not yet been able to determine how 53 people were infected. Epidemiological studies have shown that people did not travel abroad and did not interact with confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Specialists examine the routes of these infections, so the statistics can still change if links are found between individual cases.

In Lithuania, the 113th death from coronavirus

NVSC reports that the 113th COVID-19 death case was recorded in Lithuania last day.

The deceased is a resident of Šiauliai County. The person belonged to the 90-99 age group and had comorbidities. The coronavirus was confirmed in one person on October 15. During the epidemiological diagnosis, the specialists could not determine the circumstances of the human infection.

In addition, 2 deaths were confirmed yesterday (in Šiauliai county), when those infected with coronavirus died for other reasons.

NVSC reports that a total of 7269 cases of COVID-19 disease have been confirmed in Lithuania, 4025 people are still sick, 3097 – have recovered.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Images from the Covid-19 study – video report:

Updated recommendations

SAM remembers that the use of protective equipment that covers the nose and mouth is mandatory in closed public spaces. Residents are encouraged to wash their hands with soap and water as often as possible, to use disinfectants, and to follow cough and sneeze etiquette. It is very important to take care of the environmental hygiene, the frequent ventilation of the premises, the daily cleaning of the surfaces used both at home and at work.

In case of acute signs of upper respiratory infection, it is necessary to stay home and consult the Coronavir hotline (tel. 1808), or contact your family doctor for a consultation. When visiting shops, pharmacies, markets, other open and closed public places, it is advisable to keep a safe distance of at least 2 meters from other people.

After close contact with COVID-19, isolation at home or elsewhere is required for 14 days after the last day of exposure. The isolation rules must be strictly adhered to throughout the isolation period.

In public, avoid direct contact with people with whom you normally do not interact, and avoid mass gatherings if possible. It is advisable to give priority to activities in open spaces.

When organizing a large personal celebration, it is recommended to postpone it if possible. Otherwise, it is advisable to limit the number of participants to ensure that the participants do not show any signs of respiratory infection. Participants are asked to follow etiquette for coughing and sneezing, hand hygiene, and safe distance.

Travelers are advised to postpone unnecessary local and international travel. In preparation for the trip, it is advisable to assess the epidemic situation of the COVID-19 disease (coronavirus infection) in a particular country, the need for the trip and the risk of possible quarantine (isolation) when returning to Lithuania. During the trip, it is recommended to avoid contact with sick people, observe hygiene, consume safe food and water.

Chronic patients and people over 65 are the most vulnerable group of the population, with a high risk of serious complications from coronavirus infection. Individuals from these population groups

It is recommended to ensure the least possible contact with other people, avoid places of mass concentration, take care of hygiene, if possible, use the services that are provided remotely.

Persons 6 years of age and older must wear nasal and oral protective equipment in enclosed public spaces (public transportation, shops, service places, etc.), unless service cannot be provided while the recipient is wearing a mask. It is not necessary to wear the mask when exercising in sports clubs and when visiting leisure and amusement parks, when it is not possible to provide the service with the mask on. Face masks cannot be used by people with disabilities who cannot use them due to their health or whose use may be harmful to a person’s health.

Masks should be used so that they completely cover the mouth and nose. When using the mask, it is important not to touch it with your hands, and when touching or removing it, it is necessary to wash your hands. Disposable masks should not be reused, discarded after use.

We warn that violations of these rules may result in administrative liability and a fine of between 500 and 1,000 euros.
