2,219 new cases of coronavirus in Lithuania, 15 people died, outbreaks in hospitals and residences


According to the Statistics Department, the total number of confirmed cases is 74,649.

The total number of deaths from coronavirus is 626. The number of deaths from coronavirus infection due to other causes is 321.

In the last day, 98 people recovered from the infection. A total of 30,390 were recovered.

There are currently 43,313 people with coronavirus.

On Saturday, 7,216 suspected coronavirus samples were analyzed. To date, a total of 1,327,648 samples have been analyzed.

2,054 COVID-19 patients are being treated in hospitals, 152 of them in resuscitation, the Department of Statistics reported Saturday.

Oxygen is required in 1,098 patients and 88 people receive artificial lung ventilation.

Most of the cases, in the main cities

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports that 592 new cases have been registered in Vilnius, 358 Kaunas, 303 Klaipėda, 298 Šiauliai, 224 Panevėžys, 140 Alytus 102 Marijampolė counties. After fewer than 100 cases of infection were confirmed in Telšiai (74), Tauragė (71) and Utena (50) counties. 5 cases have not yet been assigned to any region of the country due to lack of information. The regions to which these cases should be assigned will become clear after the epidemiological survey.

Currently, 936 cases have been epidemiologically diagnosed (1,283 cases entered the NVSC system in the late afternoon or evening).

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that individuals have not gone abroad, they have not communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 89 have been registered at present (of those cases in which epidemiological studies have been carried out).

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

An outbreak was registered in the Republican Hospital of Šiauliai, where the infection was confirmed in 5 patients.

UAB Venta has registered 14 new cases of COVID-19 infection, a total of 21 cases associated with this outbreak.

In addition, 9 more cases of coronavirus infection were recorded in the Aukštelkė welfare home.

Yesterday 6 cases were confirmed at the Panevėžys Republican Hospital branch in the Likėnai Rehabilitation Hospital.

12 cases confirmed yesterday are related to the outbreak at Vilkaviškis Hospital.

There are 15 deaths from coronavirus per day

The NVSC reports that 15 cases of coronavirus deaths were received from medical institutions last day. Currently, the infection has claimed 626 lives.

There were 6 deaths in Kaunas County. The subjects belonged to the age groups 60-69, 70-79, and 80-89.

5 deaths were recorded in Vilnius county. The subjects belonged to the age groups of 70-79, 80-89 and 90-99.

2 deaths were recorded in Klaipeda County. The individuals belonged to the age groups 70 to 79 and 80 to 89 years.

One case was recorded in Alytus and Tauragė counties. The individuals belonged to the age groups 60-69 and 70-79 years.

In addition, there were 3 deaths on the last day in which people infected with coronavirus from other causes died.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .
