21 new cases of COVID-19 in Lithuania: employees of Vilnius kindergarten under investigation, residents of Šakiai and Šalčininkai are infected


In total, according to the NVSC, COVID-19 infected 18 employees of Hegelmann Transport of Uzbekistan. This has been announced before.

The NVSC assumes that those who came from Uzbekistan were infected with the coronavirus there because the disease was detected during the incubation period.

The disinfection was performed at the company’s Kaunas facility, and other employees are under investigation due to COVID-19.

The state of health of an infected person is more serious.

“It just came to our attention then […]. During the first day, 26 investigations were carried out, of which we have 14 cases, the first four cases, for a total of 18 cases of workers from Uzbekistan.

Additional investigations were also conducted yesterday. The employees of that company register at mobile point 1808. Yesterday they registered 42, we are waiting for the results of the survey. And there are 180 employees at the company, all employees will be investigated, ”said Orina Ivanauskienė, Chief of the Infectious Disease Management Division of the Kaunas Department of NVSC, during a press conference on Wednesday.

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Urina Ivanauskienė

Photo by Lukas Balandus / 15min / Urina Ivanauskienė

In total, according to her, 24 people came from Uzbekistan to work for Hegelmann Transport. 18, as mentioned, was infected with COVID-19, others, according to O. Ivanauskienė, went on a trip.

“It just came to our attention then. By July 2, there were still arrivals from Uzbekistan and they had already managed to leave for the trip. We will not see the results of those investigations,” said a representative from NVSC.

Of the 18 Hegelmann Transporte employees infected with coronavirus, one is treated at the Kaunas Clinical Hospital, the others at the Abromiškės Rehabilitation Hospital.

“That condition may be a little more severe than in those other cases, but it will also be transferred to the Abromiškės Rehabilitation Hospital, where people with minor illnesses are treated,” said O. Ivanauskienė.

To his knowledge, Hegelmann Transporte has ceased operations and does not promise to hire new employees during the isolation period until July 22.

“Currently, those awaiting the results of the investigation are isolated. But there are company employees who had no direct contact with those who arrived housed in dormitory-type premises,” said a representative from NVSC.

According to the NVSC, there are currently 209 people with COVID-19 in Lithuania, 7 new cases were officially confirmed yesterday and 14 additional cases were identified at the transport company Hegelmann Transport in Kaunas. These cases should be reflected in official statistics at a later stage.

Paulius Keras, head of the Kaunas City Municipality Emergency Operations Center, reported that in addition to Uzbek citizens, nearly fifty Ukrainians working for the same company were also surveyed.

The driver became infected, the Vilnius kindergarten employees were examined

The number of deaths from COVID-19 has not changed – 79, the number of deaths from other causes – 12.

1,582 inhabitants have recovered from COVID-19, and 127 people have been isolated.

Of the seven recently confirmed cases, 5 were imported and two were local, R. Lingienė said.

“They are registered: one case each in Marijampolė and Klaipėda counties, three in Vilnius, two in Kaunas,” he said.

A case of import from Ukraine in Klaipeda was identified. The person is a long-distance driver.

This seems to be becoming a problem.

“It looks like this is becoming a certain problem,” said R. Lienienė.

A newcomer from Ukraine felt the symptoms of the disease on July 12 and showed up at Klaipeda University Hospital. Here COVID-19 was assigned. Four high-risk contacts with contact with the infected person were identified. They are isolated

“The second case is also imported, established in Vilnius County for a person who has returned from Spain – Barcelona,” said R. Lienienė, adding that contacts have been established with the infected person.

Regarding the third case, according to R. Lingienė, uncertainties arose: it must be evaluated as imported, although this may not be the case.

VIDEO: R.Lingienė: 7 new cases of COVID-19 and 14 in Kaunas on the last day

“He is in Vilnius. The person returned from Poland on July 6, experienced the first symptoms on the 7th and adhered to the isolation. The affected relatives also isolated themselves. It has been established that there is a minor in this family who attends the infants “Karuselė”. […] We are now organizing an investigation of all exposed employees, despite the fact that they had indirect contact, ”said a representative from NVSC. After the investigations, it will be clear if the case is imported or local.

A resident of the Šalčininkai district became infected

The fourth case was diagnosed in a Šalčininkai district resident, who experienced symptoms on July 11 and was hospitalized, where the diagnosis was confirmed. Sixteen high-risk individuals were identified, including two ambulance employees and nine hospital employees. All people are isolated.

Epidemiologists have not yet clarified the circumstances under which this person became infected.

The Šalčininkai District Emergency Commission announced that COVID-19 had been diagnosed on July 14 by an 86-year-old man living in Šalčininkai.

On July 12, the woman was admitted to the Šalčininkai Hospital Observatory due to weakness and fatigue. He was tested for coronavirus the same day, and received a response Tuesday. Family members and medical personnel who had been in close contact with her were reported to be isolated, and the resident was nowhere to be found. She is currently being treated at the Santara clinics.

ALSO READ: Updated routes of people infected with coronavirus in Lithuania: who, where and when?

Another case was diagnosed in the Šakiai district, he experienced symptoms on July 10, the diagnosis was confirmed in the Šakiai hospital. Contacts have not yet been identified, but may not be identified.

In addition, two new cases were registered at a transport company in Kaunas, which has become a new focus of coronavirus.

“Later, there were data on 14 more diseases in this company,” said R. Lingienė. They will enter the statistics later.

According to the NVSC representative, these people should not have had contact with other residents of Lithuania.

These people could not theoretically visit any place since July 3, when the first case was confirmed.

“In theory, these people have not been able to visit since July 3, when the first case was confirmed. Well, I hope and practically, although the army, of course, was not standing outside the door. Until then, of course, they could visit, ”said R. Lingienė.

On Tuesday night, the Health Ministry reported on 18 Hegelmann Transport workers infected with the Uzbekistan coronavirus. The first case of COVID-19 was reported in this company last Thursday, Thursday, and the second case this Monday.

15 people are treated in hospitals for coronavirus

In Lithuanian hospitals, 15 people are currently being treated for coronaviruses, one of them in the intensive care and resuscitation unit. R.Lingienė, the director of the Vilnius department of NVSC, informed BNS about it on Wednesday.

According to R. Lingienė, artificial lung ventilation is applied to a person, there are no people treated with oxygen masks.
