21 Belarusian companies have already applied to Lithuania: they will facilitate the conditions for establishment


Foreign Minister Linas Linkevičius, who presented the plan at Wednesday’s government meeting, said that up to 100,000 LTL from the government reserve is expected to be earmarked for the Health Ministry. for humanitarian aid.

“Most likely it is for treatment services,” the minister said.

The government agreed that during the week each minister will evaluate the scope of financing in their area to contribute to the various measures of the plan and report to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as assess the need for funds for next year.

It is also proposed to provide one hundred state scholarships for Belarusian students to study in Lithuanian higher education institutions from the credits allocated to the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports.

“We suggest giving those scholarships the name Kalinauskas, if there is such an agreement. The Ministry would also prepare the procedure on how it would be implemented in practice,” said L. Linkevičius.

Also this year, separate support is planned for the Belarusian European Humanities University in exile in Vilnius.

“I can say that we really plan to allocate 200 thousand euros for that,” said L. Linkevičius.

It is planned to create a fund in the future to administer and distribute this support, and for the time being it is proposed that the public body “Center for Eastern European Studies” could do so if the Fund for Democracy and Development Support is renewed.

“It would be possible to provide such support through this fund until such a fund is created by changing the provisions of the law,” said L. Linkevičius.

He confirmed that opportunities were being sought to simplify the issuance of visas to Belarusian citizens at the invitation of legal persons.

It will facilitate the conditions to start a business

The Minister of Economy and Innovation, Rimantas Sinkevičius, says that the Ministry has received requests from 21 Belarusian information technology (IT) companies to work in Lithuania. According to him, about half of them are extremely large and could be located in Lithuania and not in other Eastern European countries, such as Ukraine, but they face difficulties in establishing themselves: banks do not agree to open accounts for these companies under the Law of Prevention and Money Laundering. establishment of companies in Lithuania.

“If you can’t open a bank account, you can’t register a company, if you can’t register a company, you can’t invite employees because there is no employer. Such an inappropriate circle is emerging, and I think it would be good to include in this decision, that we are going to take an order to prepare amendments to the law that would allow foreign legal entities to open an account in Lithuanian banks ”, he said.

Interior Minister Rita Tamašunienė says that solutions to facilitate the arrival of Belarusians in Lithuania are currently being actively sought, and the Bank of Lithuania is also being consulted on this.

“Together with the Department of Migration, we are already proposing solutions to shorten the conditions for issuing national visas. Together with the Ministry of Social Security and Labor, we are looking for solutions to reject a proof of work, a qualifications evaluation, as well as a visa application “. Tamašunienė.

S. Skvernelis: The plan will still be refined

Prime Minister Saulius Skvernels told a press conference that at a meeting on Wednesday, the Cabinet of Ministers formally approved the plan, but that “it will still be polished.”

“It is difficult to say the total amount, but decisions have been made about financial support for the EHU University, scholarships for one hundred students, legal rehabilitation services for people affected by the repression, legal assistance. In the end, decisions were even made to find ways for Belarusian high-tech companies that decided to leave Belarus so that the best place for them would be Lithuania, ”said S. Skvernelis.

“It is difficult to name the amount economically, but surely it will not be one hundred thousand euros,” he added.

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