2020 Management Changes Highlights: Achema Group Has Two Directors Per Year, Maxima Has Mass Layoffs | Deal


In 2020, the news about the resignation of long-term managers and the new talent who replaced them followed one another: at least three dozen managers changed only in large and well-known companies.

With the pandemic in Lithuania and around the world, senior executives withdrew from new and old market participants.

“This year has not been standard and if we look at the changes in management, there have been both expected and unexpected,” he said. 15 minutes reviewed by Andrius Francas, partner of the Alliance for recruitment search and management company.

Klaipeda ID Photo / Andrius Francas

Klaipeda ID Photo / Andrius Francas

“In most cases, the managers leave voluntarily. But this year’s list would not be where the majority left off, it was determined by the change in strategy, the decisions of the shareholders, ”says Karolis Blaževičius, director of the Indigroup employee search company.

Photo from personal archive / Karolis Blaževičius

Photo from personal archive / Karolis Blaževičius

The crises of 2020 and 2008: the main difference

Unexpected trends emerge during the crisis year, but were more radical during the last crisis.

Recruitment specialists name the main difference between them, the year of the pandemic and the crisis of 2008. Unlike a decade ago, shareholders were no longer in a hurry to recover the business management handed over to the executives hired this year because to the difficult times the country is going through.

Shareholders reacted much more simply and sparingly than in 2008, when the majority of shareholders returned to the helm of the companies. Now companies have been run even more by existing managers, says A. Francas.

“Entrepreneurs reacted in a much simpler and more measured way than in 2008, when the majority of shareholders returned to the helm of the companies. The companies have now been driven by existing executives. This is because the shareholders already have more experience, and seeing that the previous year was not bad, there is a burning of a few drops, and the pandemic is a global matter, not related to a single country, he realized the need to live this period ”, he compares. A. Francas.

The same trend is mentioned by Šarūnas Dyburis, the managing partner of the executive selection company AIMS Lietuva, who emphasized that this year the return of the founders to active activities was the exception rather than the rule.

“It just came to our attention then. This means that companies and their owners are mature and relatively resistant to any impact.” 15 minutes summarized by Š.Dyburis.

Then 15 minutes He not only reviewed the most significant management changes that took place in 2020, but also clarified what lies behind them.

Achema Group has 12 directors for 9 years

In one of the country’s biggest concerns, the Achema Group has changed CEO twice this year.

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Company Achema

Photo by Sigismund Gedvila / 15min / Company Achema
