2020 elections: the Freedom Party has made education a top priority


The Freedom Party also promises to legalize the institute of associations and marriages for the LGBT + community (homosexual, bisexual, transgender and other identities), a more lenient drug policy by legalizing cannabis for medicine and recreation, incentives for the startup and innovative businesses, concern for the environment.

BNS presents the provisions of the program of all participants in the elections, published to the public in a series of press conferences organized by the BNS news agency and the Central Election Commission.

The main message of the Freedom Party: “The Freedom Party was formed to have less anger and more joy in Lithuanian politics, to have more confidence and fewer punishments and prohibitions, to think more about the future and have less analysis and anger about the past,” says Aušrinė Armonaitė , party president.

Education: The Freedom Party identifies education as the beginning of everything and promises to ensure that the teacher’s salary attracts the best specialists to the school, promote individualized teaching, the development of social and emotional competencies and establish a third language: computer science. . The party also promises at least 3 percent. GDP for research and development.

Human rights: The Freedom Party promises to allow LGBT + people to legalize their family relationships: establish an institute of association in the Civil Code, initiate an amendment to the Constitution to legalize civil marriage for people of the same sex, guarantee the rights of people with disabilities. The Freedom Party takes the position that the current punishment-oriented drug policy has failed and proposes to allow cannabis to be used for industry and recreation.

Economic and social policy: The Freedom Party guarantees that it will not introduce new taxes, it will offer a reduction of the personal income tax to 15%, support for job creators, promises new companies two years of tax exemptions, support for startup running and micro companies of up to 10 people, radically reducing bureaucracy. The goal of the match is for Lithuania to rank first in the World Bank’s Business Environment Doing Business rating (the country is currently 11th).

COVID-19: To solve the coronavirus crisis, the party proposes greater trust in civil society and the private sector, and in the modernization of the state apparatus. “What we have missed very clearly and what should be guaranteed in the future: first of all, tell the truth, not the usual Belarusian concealment of information that we have everything, although we do not have it, and two months are lost,” he says the mayor of the capital, Remigijus Šimašius. According to her, Lithuania has the opportunity to get out of the COVID-19 situation “by positively changing, modernizing its state apparatus to be more resilient, ready and flexible to operate in various conditions, more inclusive and secure.”

The shadow cabinet and the proposed prime minister: The candidate for prime minister of the Freedom Party is the mayor of Vilnius, vice president of the party R.Šimašius. “Obviously, his team has proven its strength in the most difficult situations, especially in the face of COVID-19. Our team is ready both to form the Government and to implement its program in the Seimas ”, says A. Armonaitė.

The motto of the party election: “For those who want to rejoice!”

Expect to receive commands: The Freedom Party does not mention the number of seats it expects to receive in the elections, its goal is to obtain 100,000. votes of the voters, as well as the exit of some candidates for the second round in single-member districts. “We understand that we are a new party and our goal is 100,000. “I hope this turns into as many Seimas seats as possible,” says the party leader.

The Freedom Party was established in June last year by Seimas member A. Armonaitė and Vilnius Mayor R.Šimašius with their comrades. According to public opinion polls, about 3 percent of the Freedom Party pledges their vote. surveyed.
