20 sec sec. The Lithuanian team, which missed the goal, will decide its fate in the futsal championship on Saturday


The Lithuanian team will decide their fate in the world championship on Saturday, in the third match with the Costa Rican footballers. If successful, the country’s futsal team would enter the next stage of the championship.

In the duel with the menacing Kazakhstan, the Lithuanians missed the goal on the opponents’ first attack. The Kazakhstan team, which stretched the defense of the hosts of Žalgiris Arena, sent the ball into goal in the 20th second of the match, and the goalkeeper was Brazilian footballer Taynan da Silva Rego. It is the majority of Kazakh national footballers who come from Brazil.

However, Jevgenijus Ryvkino failed to connect with him, as his teammates expected, and the ball went out.

The Lithuanians played with discipline and waited for their opportunities to stand out. And there were. In the first half, Tomas Bučma had several opportunities to even the numbers on the scoreboard. Vladimir Derendiayev also threatened the doors of the Kazakh team.

Although in the first half of the match the guests played a little more actively, after the first 20 minutes the teams were separated by just one goal: 0: 1.

The visitors had a great opportunity to double their lead in the 5th minute of play. Fortunately, the football gods saved the Lithuanians – the ball passed over Lithuania’s goal line.

The outraged Kazakh team requested a VAR review, after which the referees did not change their decision: there was no goal.

However, the Lithuanians, who played with discipline in defense, made a mistake in the tie in the 10th minute of the second half, and Daurenas Tursagulovas, who arrived in time and place, did not give up due to an error in defense. He doubled the visitor’s advantage with an accurate shot.

Towards the end of the match, the Kazakh team in Kaunas became more and more courageous. Albertas Akbalikovas scored a beautiful goal for the Lithuanian team in the 15th minute of the second half.

Lithuania and Kazakhstan have more than 70 positions in the official futsal world rankings. Kazakhstan ranks 7th and Lithuania 80th.

Lrytas.lt remember that the Lithuanian team started the world futsal championship with a 1: 2 defeat against the Venezuelan team.

Kazakhstan, meanwhile, defeated the Costa Rican footballers 6: 1.

In the next group A match played on Wednesday, Venezuela beat Costa Rica 1: 0, which together with Lithuania remain in the subgroup without points.

A total of 24 national teams are participating in the Futsal World Championship. They are divided into six subgroups of four teams.

The next stage will include the first and second place teams from all groups and the top four third place teams.

You can find all the most important news about the Futsal World Championship held in Lithuania here.
