17 biggest pockets of COVID-19 since the beginning of the pandemic: some “have gone down the road to hell”, others are still there | 15MAX


COVID-19 visited the Adform shipyard, which is operating in Kaunas during the warm season, in August. 57 cases of infection have been associated. The fireplace at the event site finally breathed a sigh of relief, but before that, the owners had to take strict preventive measures, temporarily suspending activities. This, according to the founder of the shipyard, who infected himself with COVID-19, It costs a lot.

“After the first cases identified, we took all security measures and completely stopped operations, performed all mandatory and optional disinfection procedures. During the time we spent in quarantine, we have implemented additional security systems to ensure the safety of our clients.

We have lived very long distances, but today we understand the situation, only together and only together will we pass this test, which has been sent to all of us ”. 15 minutes said Giedrius Ambrazevičius, founder of Adform Backyard.

After the quarantine, people floated

The company, according to him, followed the instructions of the Government and cooperated with the National Center for Public Health (NVSC).

Photo by Darius Ruzgis / Adform yard

Photo by Darius Ruzgis / Adform yard

“Relations with NVSC are collegial, we consult and keep in touch constantly,” said G. Ambrazevičius.

Asked about how the mood of the visitors changed after the COVID-19 spread in the Adform courtyard, perhaps they were more cautious, the businessman replied that the visitors behaved in an exemplary way and flocked to the events. because they missed them after the first quarantine.

“Visitors know our responsible approach and follow all the requirements and recommendations. After the spring quarantine, people were hungry for events, so tickets for the events were sold out as soon as they appeared. It is a pity that due to the restrictions we could not accept everyone who wanted to, ”lamented G. Ambrazevičius.

Believe that without help, the business will not stretch

He contributed not only to the Adform courtyard, but also to the establishment of the adjacent Mojo Lounge nightclub. After the introduction of the local quarantine in Kaunas on October 28, this fun place closed.

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