1,694 people were infected with the coronavirus, as many have died yet to be announced


The department did not provide information on the daily deaths recorded.

“Due to disruptions in the provision of death data in eHealth, this data will be updated later,” the report said.

According to Mindaugas Samkus, representative of the Center for Records, data on deaths in the e-health system should be available to Lithuania Statistics in about an hour.

“There were no disturbances in the electronic health system, the minor disturbances occurred only in the process of transmitting the death data to the Department of Statistics. (…) In cooperation with the Department of Statistics, it was agreed that a dataset would be created in the electronic health system in about an hour, which would also show the data from the previous day, ”he said.

1,618 people recovered from this infectious disease last day.

A total of 163 thousand people were registered in Lithuania. 42 cases of COVID-19, 97 thousand. 336 people recovered, 62 thousand. 425 – tebeserga.

Since COVID-19 in Lithuania, the first dose of 27,000 vaccines has been vaccinated. 142 people.

The last day in Lithuania he made 11 thousand. There have been 369 studies on coronavirus, a total of 1 million since the start of the pandemic. 764 thousand 946.

Lithuanian hospitals are currently treating 2,096 COVID-19 patients, 156 of them in resuscitation, Statistics Lithuania reported on Wednesday.

Additional oxygen is supplied to 1222, artificial lung ventilation is applied to 105 people.

Of the more than 16.5 thousand. Hospital beds are currently occupied for just over 8.6 thousand.

Of the 701 resuscitation beds, 398 were occupied, of the 652 beds that could undergo artificial pulmonary ventilation, 244 were occupied, and of the oxygen-supplied beds, 2206 of the 6,390 were occupied.

A total of 163 thousand people were registered in Lithuania. 42 cases of COVID-19, 97 thousand. 336 people recovered, 62 thousand. 425 – tebeserga.

The National Public Health Center (NVSC) reports on outbreaks of coronavirus infection (COVID-19) recorded in Lithuania during the previous day.

1,727 individuals were isolated the previous day, out of a total of 91,014 individuals in isolation, including people with confirmed COVID-19.

Currently there are 274 cases (of which epidemiological studies have been carried out) of cases in which the circumstances of the infection of the individuals are not clear, that is, epidemiological studies have shown that the people did not go abroad and did not communicate with confirmed COVID-19 cases.

Cases recorded in outbreaks

Yesterday a new outbreak was registered at the Lioliai Welfare Home in Kelmė district, where a coronavirus infection was confirmed in 11 residents and 3 employees. Today, NVSC specialists visit the institution and provide consultation on the application of infection prevention measures.

A new outbreak has also been registered in a bakery in Zarasai, where the infection has already been confirmed in a total of 8 workers. Epidemiological diagnosis is continued, recommendations are provided on the disinfection of premises, consultations are provided on the examination of other employees.

On Tuesday, 53 cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed in connection with the outbreak at the Vilnius Antaviliai pension, which is associated with more than 400 cases of COVID-19 disease detected in recent weeks.

6 cases registered yesterday, according to epidemiologists, are related to the outbreak in the parish residence of Blessed Jurgis Matulaitis in the Ignalina district. Total with fireplace as of January 8. associated with more than 70 cases of COVID-19 infection.

Outbreaks also continue in the Jasiuliškės welfare home in the Ukmerg distrito district, where 289 cases of infection have been recorded since mid-November, including secondary ones in the families of employees, at the Algimantas Bandza social service home in Panevėžys, where 24 cases of infection have been registered since the beginning of the year.

Outbreaks continue in Varėna Nursing Home, Macikai Social Care Home in Šilutė District, Didvyžiai Nursing Home in Vilkaviškis District, Kalvarija Care and Employment Center.

In addition, cases of COVID-19 disease were reported yesterday, associated with outbreaks at a fish processing plant in Raseiniai, a medical equipment manufacturing company in Pabradė, a dyeing company in Vilnius, a maritime company in Klaipėda, a Vilnius public transport company, Šilutė furniture manufacturing company, Šakiai heat company, Marijampolė sewing company, sawmill in Prienai district, sewing company in Visaginas.

Outbreak-related cases were also recorded in Vilnius Santara Clinics, Vilnius Republic University Hospital, Trakai District Onuškis Nursing and Support Care Hospital, Vilnius City Mental Health Center, Vilnius Hospital Vilkpėdė, Vilnius City Ambulance Brigade, Klaipėda Medical Nursing Hospital, Plungė Medical Nursing Hospital, Plungė municipalities, Anykščiai, Visaginas hospitals, Kupiškis Primary Health Care Center.

Furthermore, on the last day, outbreak-related cases were reported in Kazlų Rūda’s “Pušelė” Kindergarten, Utena “Varpelis” School and Kindergarten, Kaunas Orphanage.

According to currently available data, 246 cases related to outbreaks in families were registered in Lithuania on the last day.

For their part, public health professionals urge people to follow all measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection: hand hygiene, coughing, sneeze etiquette, use of personal protective equipment, physical distance and more. .

Four scenarios

At the COVID-19 Management Meeting of the Independent Expert Advisory Council, prof. Ramunė Kalėdienė and prof. Mindaugas Stankūnas submitted proposals for four quarantine restriction scenarios, the measures applied during them, and the principles of creating social support bubbles for each quarantine scenario.

The social support bubble is the communication of one person’s home with another home to provide emotional and practical help to people experiencing increased stress from isolation.

Four scenarios are based on the number of new cases per 100,000. population in 14 days.

Read more about it here.
