15 new cases of coronavirus were detected per day: 8 cases from other patients, 4 cases of


According to a report published by the National Center for Public Health (NVSC), eight infected people have been in contact with those who are already at work or at home, and four cases registered the previous day were imported: two from Croatia and Bulgaria . At the time, it is becoming clear how three more people were infected.

The first three cases were identified in Vilnius County. It was established that two people returned to Lithuania from Croatia on July 2. July 11 They attended a family celebration. The first symptoms occurred on July 13 for one person and July 15 for the other. A third person became ill after the celebration, a participant in the celebration who was discovered not to have visited the foreigner recently, reason why it thinks that it became infected with the participants in the celebration.

The fourth case was identified in Utena County (Molėtai District). COVID-19 has been prescribed for a person who has been in contact with a colleague who has previously been diagnosed with a coronavirus infection. It was found that 10 people were exposed in this case, and the epidemiological study continues.

ALSO READ: COVID-19 infected two employees of the Molėtai Employment Service

The fifth case was also confirmed in Utena county (Zarasai district). COVID-19 has been prescribed for a person who has been exposed to a coronavirus infection. It was established that on July 13 and 14 the infected person attended courses in Medininkai, starting on July 15. I was in isolation. Eleven exposed individuals were identified.

The sixth case was confirmed in Vilnius County. In one person, a test for coronavirus infection was performed prior to elective surgery, and no symptoms were observed. 3 contact persons have been identified and the epidemiological investigation is ongoing.

The seventh case was established in Vilnius County. The person works for a transportation company where it has been found that they have been in contact with people who have previously been diagnosed with COVID-19. From July 13. The person was isolated. According to the data collected, the person does not feel any symptoms, prophylactically examined at the initiative of the company. An exposed person was identified.

The eighth and ninth cases were identified in Kaunas County (Kėdainiai District). People got sick after having contact with people who were already sick. One of these people had contact with a person in Kėdainiai who became infected from a sick family (cases confirmed in Kėdainiai yesterday), the other person had contact with a person who was confirmed with COVID-19 on July 17. (In Panevėžys).

The tenth and eleventh cases were identified in Vilnius County. July 12 people returned to Vilnius by plane from Bulgaria. On July 13, individuals experienced symptoms characteristic of coronavirus infection and maintained isolation at all times. A specified contact person.

ALSO READ: Updated routes of people infected with coronavirus in Lithuania: who, where and when?

The twelfth case was confirmed in Panevėžys county. The person became infected with a sick relative for whom COVID-19 was confirmed on July 13.

The thirteenth and fourteenth cases were also identified in Panevėžys county. How the individuals were infected is unclear. An epidemiological investigation is underway to establish the circumstances.

The fifteenth case was confirmed in Vilnius County. COVID-19 has been confirmed in a person who, since July 3, has been isolated as in contact with the patient. The person showed no symptoms, but at the end of the isolation, prophylactic examinations were performed and the disease was diagnosed before returning to work. 2 contacts have been identified.

National Center for Public Health (NVSC) July 20 d. 9 p.m. according to:

  • Number of confirmed cases in Lithuania for specific people: 1947

  • Number of sick people: 254

  • New cases were confirmed yesterday: fifteen

  • Number of coronavirus deaths: 80

  • He died of other causes: 12

  • Number of recuperators: 1601

  • Number of people in isolation: 81

  • Import cases from June 1: 75

The list of countries from which you can enter Lithuania is published HERE.

The list of countries most affected by the coronavirus is published HERE.

Municipalities where the highest incidence of coronavirus infection is currently detected, which is why more preventive examinations will be carried out this week: Trakai, Šakiai, Šalčininkai, Utena and Kretinga districts and the city of Kaunas.

National Public Health Laboratories July 20 9 p.m. according to:

  • Samples of the suspected coronavirus were tested yesterday: 1054
  • To date, a total of samples have been analyzed to detect suspected coronaviruses: 482607 (including 135608 from mobile points)

The samples were analyzed daily

Samples remained unexamined


From them


of which from mobile points




of which from mobile points


of which from mobile points


of which from mobile points

Santara Clinics Laboratory, VU Hospital


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Klaipeda University Hospital Laboratory





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Šiauliai Republican Hospital Laboratory


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Kaunas Clinics Laboratory of the LSMU Hospital







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Laboratory of the National Institute for Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment









UAB “Diagnostikos laboratorija” (“Antėja”)

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4 4

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UAB “Practical Medicine Laboratory”

4 4

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4 4

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Panevėžys Republican Hospital Laboratory


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5 5* *




* Laboratories provide the total number of coronavirus infections determined from the samples obtained. This number includes both recently identified and recurring. It is recalled that a person will be considered healthy when two consecutive consecutive tests of coronavirus infection in an interval of at least 24 hours are negative. Or 37 days after infection diagnosis, if for any reason subsequent tests are not tested for the virus. If the repeat test is positive, the GP will continue to monitor and treat the patient and will repeat the test no earlier than 14 days later.
