14 coronavirus deaths: age of deaths revealed


314 Vilnius, 289 Kaunas, 215 Šiauliai, 167 Klaipėda, 81 Telšiai, 69 Panevėžys, 61 Alytus, 55 Tauragė, 51 Marijampolė, 32 counties of Utena.

With test results now automatically linked, data from 1,100 untested epidemiological studies have yet to be studied or entered into the system. This means that it is not yet known under what circumstances or where people were infected. The system shows in which municipalities these people live, but until it is clear if they are infected where their place of residence is declared. For this reason, these epidemiological data are being reviewed.

Cases in which the circumstances of human infection are not clear, i. and Epidemiological studies have shown that people have not traveled abroad or communicated with confirmed cases of COVID-19, 102. However, these figures may still need to be reviewed as not all epidemiological studies have been completed.

The NVSC recalls that those who have been confirmed as positive by a PCR test (smear from the nasopharynx), that is, coronavirus, should be isolated immediately without waiting for a call from NVSC specialists, and should inform those with whom have been in contact recently. about potential risks.

Shoots were recorded in shoots on the last day

Daytime cases are associated with outbreaks in Biržai District, Šilalė District, Pakruojis District. municipalities, Švenčionys, Šalčininkai, Šilalė, Seda, Prienai, Jurbarkas, Mažeikiai, Vilkpėdė, Jurbarkas, Kelmė, Plungė, Šilalė hospitals, Veiveriai PSPC, Republican Vilnius University Hospital, LSMU Kaunasiai social care hospital treatment support, and Kaunasiai Dūse treatment hospital Padvariai care home, Adakavas social care home, Eišiškės ASPC care department, Lioliai social care home.

In Lithuania, there were 14 deaths from coronavirus and 6 deaths from other causes

Every day 14 new deaths from COVID-19 are recorded in Lithuania, the age of deaths is 50 to 99 years, all had chronic diseases, the National Center for Public Health (NVSC) reported on Wednesday.

Four deaths were recorded in Telšiai county. The dead were between 50 and 99 years old.

Three deaths were recorded in Kaunas and Šiauliai counties. The individuals ranged in age from 70 to 89 years.

Two deaths were recorded in Klaipėda County, people aged 80 to 99 died.

One case of death from coronavirus infection was recorded in Marijampolė and Tauragė counties. The individuals belonged to the age groups of 70 to 99 years.

In addition, six deaths per day were recorded in Vilnius, Klaipėda, Šiauliai and Tauragė counties, when the person infected with the coronavirus passed away for other reasons.

235 people have died in Lithuania since COVID-19, and 80 people have been infected for other reasons.

Since the start of the pandemic, COVID-19 has infected 28,000 people in the country. 262 people, 21 thousand. 339 – still ill, 6608 – recovered.
