13 Conservatives ask not to consider an association law, demand a referendum


Seimas member Paulius Saudargas shared the statement on his Facebook account.

Article 9 of the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania enshrines the provision that “The most important questions in the life of the State and the Nation shall be resolved by referendum”. Article 38 of the Constitution establishes that “the family is the basis of society and the State.” The family is the only constitutional value that is recognized as the basis of society and the State. The Constitution does not attach such importance to any other institution as to the family, “the statement read.

“This is because it is not the state that creates the family, but rather the state and society are born from the family. Since the family is the constitutional basis of our State and society, only society itself can decide to change the concept of family by expressing its will in a referendum. Any legislative initiative aimed at changing the concept of family may only be carried out at the request of the Nation.

Considering that the draft Law of Association is registered in the Seimas, which proposes to change the concept of family enshrined in the Constitution by means of a referendum, which is based on the principle of complementarity between men and women and paternity and maternity, we urge the members de la El Seimas will not consider the Association Bill by referendum.

Any attempt to change the concept of the foundations of the state and society without listening to society itself would be contrary to the fundamental principles of democracy and the rule of law. Therefore, before taking initiatives, we ask for a change in the concept of fundamental values ​​based on our society and state, to openly and honestly verify the will of the Lithuanian people by holding a referendum ”, the text reads .

The statement was signed by Paulius Saudargas, Laurynas Kasčiūnas, Audronius Ažubalis, Vilija Aleknaitė-Abramikienė, Justinas Urbanavičius, Antanas Čepononis, Kazys Starkevičius, Arvydas Pocius, Valdas Rakutis, Algis Strelčiūnas.

Conservative Andrius Navickas a little earlier on Friday He said that a large part of the Lithuanian Christian Democratic and National Union faction was determined to support the association law.

Seime project sent The association is defined as an “officially registered act of coexistence between two people, with the aim of establishing, developing, protecting a relationship based on constant emotional attachment, mutual understanding, responsibility, assistance, respect and / or relationships. similar and a voluntary commitment to certain rights and responsibilities ”.

The law must regulate the patrimonial and non-patrimonial relationships of single but cohabiting people, it will try to solve the following practical problems of cohabiting couples:

  • the possibility of recognizing partial co-ownership or, if necessary, establishing a different and mutually satisfactory legal regime for co-ownership;
  • allowed to inherit without additional fees;
  • certain personal obligations of the partner are created, that is, respect, loyalty, obligation of maintenance of the partner in case of termination of the partnership;
  • it is allowed to choose a partner or use a common surname;
  • the ability to authorize to act on behalf and interests of others;
  • the opportunity to represent a partner in the healthcare field;
  • the right to receive information related to the member’s health;
  • the possibility of not testifying against each other in court, etc.
