12 new cases of coronavirus in Lithuania per day


According to the National Public Health Laboratory (NVSC) on Friday, 7,994 samples were tested for suspected coronavirus last day, and a total of 216,247 samples have been tested so far.

There are 498 people with coronavirus infection in our country. 54 people have died and 965 have recovered. There are currently 260 people in isolation.

Six people infected with the coronavirus have died from other causes, reports the NVSC.

A person is considered healthy when two consecutive repeated tests for coronavirus infection at an interval of at least 24 hours are negative. Or 37 days after infection diagnosis, if for any reason subsequent tests are not tested for the virus. If a repeated test is positive, the GP will continue to monitor and treat the patient and will repeat the test no earlier than 14 days later.

Slovenia declares the end of the epidemic with no more than 7 new cases per day for two weeks

DELFI recalls that the Slovenian government announced the official end of the COVID-19 epidemic on Thursday night, Reuters reports.

Slovenia became the first European country to announce the end of the COVID-19 epidemic, after no more than 7 new cases of COVID-19 per day in the past two weeks.

Travelers to Slovenia from other EU countries will not have to isolate themselves, the government said.

2 million 1,464 cases of COVID-19 were detected in Slovenia, with 103 deaths. The epidemic was declared by the country on March 12.

“Slovenia has been in control of the epidemic for the past two months. Today, the epidemiological situation in Slovenia is the best in Europe,” Prime Minister Janez Janša said in Parliament on Thursday.

The end of the epidemic means that some measures, including financial support for citizens and companies, will be suspended in late May.

It is true that foreigners experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 will not be admitted. 14 days of mandatory self-isolation will also be required for travelers from non-EU countries, with the exception of diplomats and people transporting goods.

In mid-March, Slovenia closed schools, sports and cultural facilities, bars, restaurants, hotels and all shops except groceries. Public transportation was also stopped.

From April 20. The government has taken steps to alleviate the quarantine. Public transportation work resumed earlier this week, and some students will return to school next week. All bars and restaurants and hotels with up to 30 rooms will also open next week.

A week ago in the Slovenian capital Ljubljana, more than 5,000 people protested against restrictions imposed by the authorities to stop the spread of the coronavirus, the dpa reported.

Small protests also took place in other Slovenian cities, including Maribor, Celle and Koper.

In Ljubljana, protesters recalled riding a bicycle in the parliament building and expressed dissatisfaction by pointing to bicycle calls. Some of them made noise by ringing bells tied to their cows under their necks.

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