11 million ended in the Chinese city of Wuhan. massive population testing for COVID-19


The massive tests, which began on Tuesday, “massively” covered all city residents except children under the age of six and students on summer vacations, according to Xinhua, a senior Uhan official said at a conference of press.

By Saturday, 37 local cases of COVID-19 had been recorded in the city and 41 local asymptomatic carriers of the virus had been detected in the latest phase of mass testing, Xinhua reported.

City officials reported last week that a coronavirus had been detected in seven newcomers working in Wuhan.

According to the authorities, more than 28,000 people were mobilized for the investigation campaign. health workers, and the research was carried out on about 2.8 thousand. places.

The coronavirus began to spread in Wuhan in late 2019, and China later managed to successfully control the spread of the virus. The country’s economy has recovered and life has largely returned to normal.

Still, the outbreak of a highly contagious delta strain of the coronavirus at Nanjing Airport in eastern Jiangsu Province posed a new threat, where the virus spread across the country after being infected by multiple cleaners from the coronavirus. airport.

Since then, China has ordered residents of entire cities to stay home, cut off domestic transportation connections and launched massive investigations into the outbreak, the largest in recent months.

Beijing has also tightened restrictions on foreign travel to stop the outbreak.

China’s immigration service announced Wednesday that it would stop issuing passports and other documents needed to leave the country in “non-essential and non-urgent” cases.

However, this does not mean that Chinese society is completely prohibited from going abroad.
