100,000 EUR for the conversion of confiscated cryptocurrencies Business


BNS estimates that if the cryptocurrency were converted at this time, approximately 3.6 million euros would be transferred to the state budget. euros

“After converting the cryptocurrency into euros, the total amount will be higher (than for the conversion services – BNS), but currently it is not possible to specify the exact amount that will be transferred to the budget, since the exchange rate of the cryptocurrency on the market is constantly changing, “says Irina. Gavrilova.

According to her, the intention is to convert the cryptocurrency confiscated by the court into euros. Around 336.85 bitcoins, 360.38 ethers and 11,993 thousand tons of bitcoin were transferred to the state. Monero Units.

“The tender for the purchase of a cryptocurrency conversion service into euros. The service provider will sell the cryptocurrency in virtual property exchange offices or exchanges and transfer the total amount received in euros to the STI account,” said I. Gavrilova.

He explained that said service could be provided by a company specialized in digital asset management.

The tender was announced Thursday, according to the central procurement portal. Potential entrants must submit applications by August 3, and the contract with the winner will be for a maximum of one year.
