100 years have passed since the most famous and influential magic trick of all time was demonstrated.


It came, it cut and it conquered. One hundred years ago, on January 17, the illusionist PT Selbit put a woman in a box on the stage of the London theater’s Finsbury Park Empire and cut her with a saw to create a magical classic.

Now, a century later, illusionists around the world will commemorate the glorious anniversary of the famous online trick.

In his version, PT Selbit allegedly cut the wooden box and the woman with a saw, then the box was opened and the woman was unharmed. Over the years, other illusionists have improved on this number, and now the two sides of the cutting box are separated, as if dividing the man in half.

“In my opinion, for the trick to be even more effective, you need to show viewers how the saw is supposed to hit your body and separate the cut sides. Then the number will be perfect. But I opted for an even more sophisticated option. It would turn the semi-illusion of cutting into an escape so that viewers would really think that I was trying to free myself, unlock the locks, and the like. And the cut became an unexpected element. And that’s not all. We decided to show the audience how my helpers supposedly go back in time and connect the sides of my body. Still, a pretty good number came out, “said illusionist D. Copperfield.

The famous illusionist D. Copperfield came up with his version of “Death Saw”: it is tied to a platform and a huge circular saw cuts in half. Sometimes when performing this trick, the illusionist actually gets hurt, as he himself admitted after giving an interview while filming footage for Sunday’s commemorative event, which will take place online.

The event to commemorate the PT Selbit stunt is organized by the London-based Magic Circle organization. Sunday, 6 pm local time, a commemorative broadcast will be launched live on Facebook.

Speaking about the longevity of the issue, Caveney said it will likely be debated in another century.
