10 things you can no longer do at Vilnius airport


15 minutes On Wednesday, journalist Lukrecijus Tubys visited Vilna’s still empty airport. At the terminal, several passengers were already waiting for the plane to take off at night, and the director of the Vilnius airport, Dainius Čiuplys, meanwhile, presented the innovations that await those traveling by plane.

VIDEO: Renewed flights from Vilnius: what do you need to know for those who want to travel?

So what can be done at Vilnius airport due to the danger of COVID-19 so far?

1. Appear without mask

All persons wishing to enter the terminal must wear face masks or other face protectors. “We hope that each passenger who arrives has their own security equipment, but there will also be an opportunity to buy it,” said D. Čiuplys. This will be possible at the entrance to the exit terminal.

It will be possible to buy gloves, masks, respirators and disinfectant in the self-service device. Mask prices start from 1 Eur.

Masks must be worn at all times at the airport and on the plane during the flight. Lufthansa has warned that passengers must be self-sufficient.

Gloves are also recommended but not required. The airport is equipped with hand sanitizing stations.

2. Access the terminal without a ticket

According to the updated rules, only passengers with a valid ticket will be admitted to the terminal. Therefore, you will have to say goodbye to the exits in front of the airport.

3. Fly feeling bad

Passengers entering the terminal will be received by the thermovision control. How 15 minutes D.Čiuplys said that the passenger will not have to stop at the thermal imager, he will only have to cross the indicated path.

If a temperature of 37.3 or higher is recorded, the National Center for Public Health will verify that the elevated temperature may be related to COVID-19 infection and evaluate symptoms.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

“Don’t risk your health and that of other people,” D. Čiuplys urged people who are not feeling well to cancel the flight.

4. Arrive at the airport at the last minute.

Due to additional security measures introduced at the airport, D. Čiuplys recommends arriving at the airport at least 2 hours before the flight.

At the moment, all passengers must also pass border controls (until the government lifts it). This procedure is currently scheduled for 05.31.

5. Queue at check-in desks

One of the most important safeguards will be to maintain physical distance, both between the passengers themselves and between themselves and employees. Therefore, online registration is recommended whenever possible.

If you still intend to do so at the check-in counter, it will be mandatory to maintain a safe distance from other passengers here. Passengers will no longer be able to hug in a long line as before. There are already marked spots on the floor to see how close people can stand.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

D.Čiuplys proved that each table is also equipped with additional guards – shields. Employees will also have personal protective equipment.

Furthermore, even on the same flight, passengers will be able to check in at much more separate tables.

6. Sit in the waiting room wherever you want

The distance must also be maintained in the waiting room. Some of the chairs are marked as it will not be possible to sit in them. “There will be no shortage of space,” said D. Čiuplys.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

So far, there will be very few passengers. Lufthansa intends to fly three times a week and is already preparing to resume flights to Riga and Tallinn. Flights to Riga will be able to resume from May 18 and to Tallinn from May 25.

7. Allow time before the flight in the cafeteria.

Until now, there are only a few shops at the airport: Narvesen (departure and arrival halls); Heinemann Duty Free | Travel Value Store (for aviation security controls). Your time will be adjusted to the flight time. Snacks, water, soft drinks and hot drinks will be available in the self-service rooms.

8. Travel home immediately upon arrival.

It is recommended that returnees from abroad fill out the electronic form of the National Center for Public Health in advance, who agrees to comply with the isolation conditions, the same paper form will be available in the arrival hall. If this is done before the flight, the procedure time will be shortened, no queues will form.

For those who have flown back, the terminal will have their hands sanitized, temperature verified, a questionnaire sent or QR codes from completed electronic questionnaires scanned, and a coronavirus-specific symptom survey.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

People who refuse to complete the questionnaire and follow the prescribed conditions will be isolated in the premises prepared by the municipality.

All arrivals must pass and passport control. Please note that these procedures may take longer at the airport.

9. Get together with your loved ones in the departure lounge.

Just as people who do not fly cannot enter the departure lounge, spectators cannot meet those arriving at the airport. Passengers will only be received outside.

The airport recommends that visitors wait in cars and comply with personal hygiene and safety requirements.

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

Julius Kalinskas photo / 15 minutes / Vilnius Airport

People without symptoms can go home on their own transportation, and family members can take them home. Rolanda Lingienė, head of the Vilnius department of the National Center for Public Health, warned on Wednesday that if the relatives of the travelers did not come to pick up or do not have their own vehicle to go home, they will not be able to leave.

If a person flying to Lithuania does not have transportation, how to get to the place of self-isolation, he must inform the municipal administration of the place of registration in advance. This will take care of the transportation.

10. Immediately return to normal life after flying.

After arriving in Lithuania, the 14-day isolation rule is still valid. It is not valid only for those who come from Latvia, Estonia and, in some cases, Poland (for business, business or study purposes).

Health Minister Aurelius Veryga recalled on Wednesday that isolation will be mandatory. “Even though the Baltic countries are discussing the possibility of moving between the Baltic countries. But upon arrival from other countries, the isolation will continue, because this is the essence of the quarantine, so we do not bring those imported cases back to Lithuania. and we don’t have to toughen quarantine conditions for residents who are already here, ”said A. Veryga.

All participants must also sign up daily for a coronavirus test at a mobile point.

Relevant: the disinfectant will be carried in hand luggage

Depending on Vilnius airport, up to 500 ml of disinfectant will be allowed in carry-on luggage. It is important that it is in the original packaging with the manufactured label stating that it is a disinfectant. The exception only applies to disinfectants, for other liquids, the requirements remain the same.

It will no longer be possible to carry liquids on board that contain 70% of the aircraft. and higher alcohol concentration. All the rules and a list of prohibited items can be found here.

All the latest flight information. follow here.
