10 people living with coronavirus were hospitalized in a hospital with a disability


“It just caught our attention then. We met with part of its population, with whom they protested. We convinced them of the need to hospitalize people and treat them. They agreed with us, they understood everything correctly,” said the mayor.
Doctors have been trying to transport the infected to the hospital since Friday.

A medical appearance in town on Friday sparked dissatisfaction among locals. They assured that there was no infection in the town and that all the people were healthy. The doctors had to call the police. But with the arrival of the officials, the situation in Muševany became even more complicated.

As the Sakartwell media reported, people stoned ambulances and police cars with stones and poles. The police and doctors had to leave the village, they returned there only on Saturday. This time his mission was successful.

The districts of Bologna and neighboring Marneul have been declared strict quarantine zones due to the coronavirus epidemic. Entering and leaving is strictly prohibited.

According to the latest data, 582 cases of coronavirus infection were detected in Georgia, eight of which died.

The outbreak of a new coronavirus disease in the Chinese city of Wuhan late last year has spread to most of the world. March 11 The World Health Organization recognized it as a pandemic. According to the latest data, the number of people infected with the coronavirus in the world exceeded 3.2 million and more than 230 thousand people died.

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