10 employees of Maxima stores were infected with the coronavirus


“It is unfortunate that the rapidly spreading COVID-19 infection across the country is also not overlooking our employees. Yesterday, two workers recovered and overcame COVID-19, but coronavirus was detected in 10 workers. are employees from different cities and divisions in Lithuania. All are treated at home. Employees who had potentially close contact with colleagues who developed COVID-19 were isolated. Shops and other premises where coronavirus-infected personnel were employed have also been cleaned up and completely disinfected internally. We consulted with the National Center for Public Health and took all recommended preventive actions to prevent the spread of COVID-19, “says Ernesta Dapkienė, Director of the Communication and Image Department of the Maxima retail chain.

Yesterday, COVID-19 infection was detected in three employees in Vilnius. Among them is an employee of the logistics department. He last visited his workplace on November 13. A colleague who has been in close contact with the patient is already in self-isolation. Maxima X Store, Parko str. 60A, the employee last visited her workplace on November 11. He was in self-isolation because he was in contact with a COVID-19 infected colleague. COVID-19 was also diagnosed in the staff of the administration office in Vilnius, who work remotely from home and therefore had no contact with colleagues.

Illnesses were diagnosed in two employees in Kaunas. The employee of the Maxima XX store, V. Krėv ,s 14B, infected with coronavirus, was last at her workplace on November 8. A colleague became isolated due to possible close contact. Maxima X Stores, Demokratų str. 50, employee. He was last at his workplace on November 2. There were no close contacts.

Three new cases of COVID-19 have been identified for Maxima employees working in Klaipėda. An employee of the confectionery workshop operating in the Maxima XXX store in Klaipėda’s Akropolis became infected with the coronavirus. He was last at his workplace on November 6. Due to possible close contact, two companions became isolated. COVID-19 infection was also detected in two employees of a culinary workshop that operates out of the same Maxima XXX store. The two cases are unrelated because the employees did not contact each other. The employees were last at their workplace on November 7. Two colleagues who had close contact became isolated.

Infection COVID-19 infection was detected at the Maxima XX store in Šiauliai, Tilžės str. 225, employees. He was last at his workplace on November 10. A colleague, who had a close contact, isolated herself.

Coronavirus infection was also detected at the Maxima X store in Kelmė, Kooperacijos str. 41, employees. He was last at his workplace on October 25. No close contacts were found.

Stores and other facilities where workers infected with COVID-19 worked have been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected, according to the report.

A total of 159 Maxima workers have been diagnosed with COVID-19 infection since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, of whom 51 have fully recovered and returned to work. To date, 1,449 employees of the Maxima retail chain have been investigated for COVID-19. Currently, responses to 78 employee tests are still pending.
