LDS reorganizes church presiding bishopric, frees senior president of 70

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on Saturday restructured its presiding bishopric, overseeing its buildings, finances, welfare and other temporary work, and also introduced a senior chairman of its seventies quorum.

The 70-year-old senior president, L.A. Whitney Clayton was dismissed and given the status of Emirates. Since 2001, he has served as General Power Seventy. He has been a member of the Seventies since 2008 and was appointed senior president in October 2015.

Meanwhile, since April 2012, President Bishopric’s adviser, Dr. M. Davis, 69, was released and was called in as General Officer Seventy instead.

Church spokesman Eric Hawkins said in a news release that “Bishop Davis has been facing significant health challenges for more than a year, although his current prognosis is positive.” “We are grateful that he will continue to serve in this new role as General Officer Seventy.”

W. Christopher Waddell was sustaining Davis to replace him as President Bishop’s first adviser. El Todd Buzz was retained as the second advisor (a position previously held by Wade del Dale). Budge, a native of California, has been serving as a General Authority Seventy since April 2019.

Presiding Bishopric is responsible for many of the church’s long-running affairs. They include a French native, Bishop Gerald Causey and two of his advisers. Each has the position of ishtant and they serve under the direct supervision of the first president.

The church has also named four new areas in the seventies. Laurian P., 49, of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Including Balilemwa; Jonathan W., 61, of Las Vegas. Bunker; Enrique R., 47, of Ottawa, Ecuador. Meyerga; And Konstantin Tolomiv, 38, of Anapa, Russia.

Enrique R., along with 47 other area seventies by the church. Falbela and Richard J.