Laura Ingraham blasts lefties for ‘race-biting’ over boulder shooting, warns against gun control pressure

Fox News host Laura Ingraher said Tuesday that the “call, about Monday’s mass shooting in Rado’s Boulder,” could not help the media, Twitter Blue Checks and various left-wing hacks but could jump to conclusions. ”

Most notably, Meena, the adult niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, claimed in a now-defunct tweet that “violent” [W]hite men are the biggest terrorist threat to our country. “

“Each of those people chose to inflate the already horrible situation of the type of race-biting that, unfortunately, many Americans have used,” Ingram replied, before the mainstream media montage reached this conclusion. That he was White.

“[Alissa] They disliked President Trump, referring to his management of potentially undisclosed refugees as a ‘D-word’. The wrestling room that he was going to kill everyone. My question: Why didn’t anyone report them? “

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Ingraham took the position that Alyssa had been “trained” for “fine pedigree” since childhood to get what she wanted.

Words like “left-wing angry white men” are used to defame millions of American men, whether they have done wrong or not. “Today we have not heard of any ‘angry Middle Eastern man’.”

Instead, the host noted, presidential administrators “turned Biden into a camera to push for immediate gun control.”

“You’ll hear that in the next few weeks there’s a ‘gun law in common sense’ line. Democrats make you think they really care about violence and saving lives in America.” “We know the real truth. The fact is that their real priority is to get guns from law-abiding Americans, not to stop future violence.

“If they care so much about violence, they will not demand less immigration enforcement when illegal immigrants are not released into the United States. We have no idea what their real background is. In some cases they will run robberies, murders and rapes.”

“If the Democrats had taken care of the violence, they would have demanded last summer that Antifa be called a domestic terrorist group.

Ingram also denounced congressional Republicans for using taxpayers ‘money to attack political opponents for Democrats’ regular polite response.

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“The ultimate inconvenient truth is that our government doesn’t like many of us. They believe that almost half of America is racist, maybe more. [and] “Our movement should be severely curtailed,” he said.

“They are overseeing our national defense and the military for terrorism, when some veterans arrived at the Capitol on January 6, but these same Democrats did not draw any conclusions and take any meaningful action on crimes committed by their own supporters or special interests.” Did not come. “