Latest Animal Crossing: New Horizon Update Removes Harvey’s Hack Fence

Yesterday, Nintendo rolled out version 1.5.0 Animal Crossing: New Horizons And while the main purpose of this update was to add some spooky seasonal stuff to Halloween in a timely manner, it also seems to have removed some of the hacked items.

One thing, in particular, is missing because this update is Harvey’s hacked fence – based on a similar fence on his island, Photopia. Just like Star Fragments, it doesn’t really mean accessible to the player. For some time now, hackers have been distributing stacks of these fences to other players – allowing them to keep around their own islands. According to the latest update, these days seem to be over.

There are too many players over Social media Now mourn the loss of their hacked fence, as above. The only way to catch this fence is not to update the game to the latest patches, but this also means that features will not be accessible to the online features ible.

Have you downloaded the latest update for Animal Crossing: New Horizons? Anything else in mind? Let us know below.
