Kyrgyz elections: Opposition parties seize power after protests

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Media CitationProtesters stormed a government complex in Bishkek

Opposition groups called for a cease-fire in Kyrgyzstan on Sunday, removing hundreds of protesters by truck.

Sadya Japarov was appointed acting prime minister hours after protesters released him from prison.

President Suronbai Jinbekov has indicated he is ready to stand down.

He told the BBC he was “ready to hold strong leaders accountable”, but declined to say who was on his mind.

Opposition groups called for a boycott of the by-elections on Monday. Some then stormed government buildings and stormed parliament.

By Tuesday morning, several high-profile political detainees had also been released, including Mr. Japarov, who was serving an 11-year sentence for kidnapping the regional governor during opposition protests seven years ago.

Former President Alamzebak Atambayev, who is serving an 11-year sentence for corruption, was also released.

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Parts of the parliament building in Bishkek were set on fire

Only four of the 16 political parties crossed the threshold for entry into parliament in Sunday’s election. Three out of four have close ties to President Jinbekov.

The president indicated that he was ready to cancel the result, before an official announcement was made by the Central Election Commission, which said it had “invalidated the election results in view of the political situation in the country”.

What’s the latest?

To change the government, parliament held an extraordinary session at a hotel in the capital, Bishkek, as protesters pelted windows to remove an elderly guard.

A BBC correspondent in Bishkek says security forces have anti-government protests.

What did the president say?

“The main goal of the opposition was not to invalidate the election results but to remove me from power,” President Jinbekov told the BBC Kyrgyz in an exclusive phone interview with intelligence agencies.

He urged all parties to return to the “legal field” and work together to avoid past political upheavals.

He added, “To resolve this issue, I am ready to give responsibility to strong leaders, regardless of which group they belong to. I am also ready to help them.”

In an earlier video address, the president accused the election results of using “certain political forces” as a reason to “violate public order.” “They disobeyed law enforcement, beat medical workers and damaged buildings.”

Observers say it looks like Mr Jinbekov, who was elected in 2017, has lost all influence – but it is unclear who will replace him.

Opposition leaders have set up a coordination council but there are reports that they are divided, arguing over who gets influential government positions.

How did the violence unfold?

As many as 5,000 people gathered in the capital, Bishkek, on Monday to protest the election.

The protest was largely peaceful until the evening, when a small group broke up and tried to break down the entrance to the parliament building.

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Media CitationThousands of protesters took to the streets of the capital, Bishkek

Police then used water cannons, stun grenades and tear gas to try to disperse the crowd from the main square and surrounding streets.

But protesters later flooded Central Square before the parliament building was referred to as the White House.

Video footage shared on social media showed protesters entering the complex, some pushing through fences and others pushing through the main door. Later, smoking can be seen outside the building.

The health ministry said about 700 people were injured, including nine in intensive care, and a 19-year-old man died.

What can we learn about elections?

Of the 16 parties fighting for 120 seats in the Supreme Council, only four crossed the 7% hurdle for elections.

Both parties, each receiving a quarter of the vote, Birimdic and Meknim Kyrgyzstan, have close ties to President Jinbekov.

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The two parties, which have ties to President Soronbay Jinbekov, received 25% of the vote

No established opposition party won a seat in parliament and on Monday all opposition groups jointly announced that they would not recognize the results of the vote.

They accused the parties of being too close to the president to buy votes and intimidate voters – a reason for “credible” and “serious concern”, according to International Monitor.

Some observers claimed to have seen that, during the first hours of voting, some citizens were filled with marked masks. Voters were bribed and there were also allegations of being surrounded in places where they could accept the result.

Kyrgyzstan – Five Quick Facts

  • The second smallest of the five Central Asian states bordered by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and China
  • Kyrgyzstan was known as the Soviet Socialist Republic when it was part of the Soviet Union
  • After the declaration of independence in 1991 – officially the Kyrgyz Republic – acquired its current name.
  • Previous uprisings ousted President Oscar Akayev in 2005, and ousted President Kurmanbek Bakiyev in 2010.
  • It has a reputation for holding semi-free and fair elections compared to its neighbors