Everyone’s favorite guitar playing dog KK Slider performs on a Monday appearance in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, because what’s more time, right?
If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere and you’re caught up in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, you may have already wondered what day it was when you came across the famous superstar who is KK Slider on the plaza. In my early morning sleep pattern, over my little daily little routine, I wondered if I had skipped one day or another in some way. It’s hard enough to track the days at the moment without adding Slider to the confusion.
The musical puppet had to shake up his schedule on account of two events this weekend that took place back-to-back. We just had a Bug Off on Saturday with the lovely insect-free artist Flick, followed by another Fireworks show with Isabelle and Redd, so of course KK pushed his performance back to Monday.
In the past, there have been occasional performances on a Sunday as a result of the odd Fishing Tourney or Bug Off, but a Monday? That’s a new one. Still, no matter what day he stumbles upon his guitar, it’s always great to listen to KK Slider songs live and add a new track to your playlist.
The fireworks show came in the second wave of the summer update, giving you the chance to see custom designs take the form of fireworks bursting into the air. We also get to play with sparklers, blow bubbles, take part in Redd’s raffle, and wear cute light boppers. The update also added the ability to visit other people’s islands in the land of node by visiting dream addresses in your sleep. Along with swimming, diving, and sea creatures, there have been many exciting new activities this summer.
With the appearance of KK Slider today, nothing is certain. Who knows, maybe we’ll see a performance on a Wednesday next. What a wild ride that will be.
Ready to dream? Here is our pick of the best Animal Crossing: Dream Horizons of New Horizons.