Kim Kardashian told Kanye West that their marriage is “over”

  • Kim Kardashian reportedly told Kanye West that their marriage “ended” during a day trip to Wyoming.
  • Kim is “torn” and “moving toward divorce.”

    Kim Kardashian recently returned to Los Angeles after what appeared to be a super emotional day trip to Wyoming to see her husband, Kanye West. And while Kim has made it clear that she focuses on Kanye’s mental health and well-being, sources say the reality star’s trip to Wyoming was, in part, to tell him that the marriage ended.

    “She is not getting back what she needs from Kanye,” said a source. Persons. “I was about to fly to Cody to basically tell him that their marriage was over and say goodbye.”

    Kanye still wants to work in the marriage, but the source says, “Nothing that she said needs to change has changed.” That said, the source also adds that “Kim is very torn” and that “the last thing she wants is to divorce with four children. She knows that she will be well financially, but her concerns are children and society. She is moving towards a divorce. But who knows if she will actually sign documents. “

    Earlier this month, Kim spoke about Kanye’s bipolar disorder, asking fans for understanding and empathy regarding her recent comments and tweets: “We, as a society, talked about bringing humor to the topic of general mental health; however, we must also give it to the people who live with it when they need it most. I kindly ask that the media and the public give us the compassion and empathy that is needed for us to overcome this. Thank you for those who have expressed concern for Kanye’s well-being and understanding. “

    If you or someone you know needs mental health assistance at this time, call the NAMI Helpline at 800-950-NAMI or text “NAMI” to 741741.

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