Kim Kardashian poses with Saint, North and Kanye West in new photos

  • Kim Kardashian recently debuted red hair, and her stylist made it clear that it is definitely not a wig.
  • The founder of KKW Beauty has now shared several sweet family photos showing off his new hair.
  • Kim’s daughter North West had a lot of fun in the background of one of her mother’s videos.

    Kim Kardashian is now a redhead, and she’s making the most of her latest flashy look.

    Sharing several new photos on social media, Kim wore a completely red outfit, which included cashmere pants and a matching bag. Kim’s Instagram account @kimkwardrobe_ noted that Kim’s purse is the 1993 Hermès Birkin x Jay Ahr Red Bandana Embroidery Collection, which is worth $ 38,500. In the snapshots, Kim can be seen posing with her son Saint and sitting with her husband, Kanye West.

    It appears that Kim was attending Khloé Kardashian’s recent birthday party when the photos were taken, as Koko’s balloons were visible in some of the photos.

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    In a selfie video showing off her striking new hair, North West can be seen trying to capture her mother’s attention in the background. It seems that North is already a natural camera, and his hilarious expressions were impossible to ignore.

    This content is imported from Instagram. You can find the same content in a different format, or you can find more information on their website.

    Just this weekend, Kanye West announced on Twitter that he intends to run for President of the United States in 2020. He tweeted, “We must now deliver on America’s promise by trusting God, unifying our vision, and building our future. for President of the United States! # 2020VISION. “

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