Kevin McCarthy’s D Se. Cess stunts make people very, very embarrassed

It was time for a conversation with House Minority Leader Kevin Marcarthi (R-California) on Friday when he released a five-minute video of himself reading Dr. Sias’s book.

But, reading, below, a lot of people on Twitter got confused as to what issue the top-ranked House Republican is really trying to make.

Dr .. Six books of old and racist images of Cess Enterprise this week by G.O.P. Because of the decision by lawmakers and Fox News personalities to promote it, many have wrongly blamed Democrats and a private company for halting publication on President Joe Biden.

With his video, McCarthy appeared to join the criticism. But critics point out that he read “Green Eggs and Ham” – not one of the books drawn.

CNN’s Don Lemon can’t rely too much on the stunt of former President Donald Trump’s key ally, who voted to reverse the 2020 election result.

“While Americans are uncontrollable to vaccinate and COVID is desperate for relief. Here’s Kevin McCarthy doing it right now, ”CNN Tonight anchor said Friday night.

“It simply came to our notice then. They are your Republican leaders, “he added,” criticizing McCarthy for not doing anything better than “putting this fake aggression to the test.”

“It has nothing to do with the Democrats, nothing,” Limbu added. “And it’s still in the distribution, especially by Dr. Sauss, so none of that makes sense. They’re playing you. Will you fall for it?”

Twitter users were equally confused and frustrated at the stunt:
