Police in Kenosha, Vinoxins, arrested people who were protesting outside the city on charges of distributing food to protesters, the nonprofit’s kitchen director said Saturday.
Jennifer Schurrle, who serves on the board of directors for Seattle-based Riot Kitchen, said Kenosha police were mistaken when they arrested volunteers Wednesday for investigating disorderly conduct.
“We’re not going to stir anything up there,” Shearer said. “We just want to feed the people. We support any kind of protest.”
He said the nine were released from prison on Friday on about $ 150 bail, paid with the help of donations.
The Kenosha Police Department said it focused on three vehicles belonging to the group after receiving a tip from a citizen that “warns us of many suspicious vehicles with plates outside the state.”
Officials and U.S. Marshall surveyed black school buses, food trucks and minivans and proceeded to make arrests when suspects tried to refuel a gas can at a gas station, the department said.
Kenosha police said the driver of the minivan “tried to flee,” and when officers caught up with him, they “pushed for entry.” The video is posted on social media and Shared by Scherchley, A police minivan is seen breaking a window after an officer shouted, “Get the.” [expletive] Out. “
Police said they found helmets, gas masks, fireworks and “suspicious controlled objects” in the vehicles.
Kenosha police are investigating three nights of violent protests over a possible weak shooting of Jacob Blake and allowing a teenager accused of fatally shooting two protesters to walk away from the scene.
Police Chief Daniel Miskins said on Friday he could only speak about the incident in general, saying people in the minivas were not cooperating and insisted on vehicles with out-of-state license plates. He used the word “sal” to describe the masks found by the officers.
The protective gear found on the bus is the only protection for working in large crowds, the mask for COVID protection, Wright Kitchen said in a statement. “We reject all claims that our crew was there to incite violence.”
Schuerle said the fuel was to be used for generators for cooking, camping and food production. She said the minivan driver was not trying to flee but was getting out of the gas station when police arrived. She also suspected that any illegal substances had been found and that the suggested “residual” marijuana could be present, as the drug is legal in Washington.
“We’ve never had fireworks anywhere,” she said, marveling at the fireworks allegations.
The Wisconsin ACLU on Friday instructed Gov. Tony Evers and Attorney General Joshua Kaul to order an investigation into possible civil rights violations by law enforcement during weekend protests.
Schurrle said the riot kitchen was started after the shooting of George Floyd in May, Schurrle said. Volunteers are used as bus campers when they are on the road, she said.
Seizures, including cell phones taken from volunteers during the arrest, were not returned and vehicles were still running on Saturday, he said.