Katy Perry shares her 1st meal after pregnancy, more habits of postmen

Katy Perry loves herself some Postmates! The pop star, who announced the arrival of her daughter, Daisy Dove Bloom, with fiancé Orlando Bloom on Wednesday 26 August is the subject of the latest edition of The reception – Overview of mailmates’ stories about celebrities.

Although the “Smile” singer, 35, is not the most used app for food delivery, she certainly trusts when she needs a tasty bite and has no sense to cook. Case in point: Perry has been a Postmates user since April 2015 and she has since placed nearly 300 different orders from 12 different cities across the country.

Her first request to Postmates? A medium-sized pizza with a lot of garlic sauce. However, when it comes to her most in-demand items, the California native proved that she has a penchant for healthy eating. Their go-to meals include the original chopped salad from La Scala in Beverly Hills, the cheerful vegan salad from Tender Greens and the “I am Pure” salad with kale and seaweed from the California chain Cafe Gratitude.

If she needs a little shock, the Grammy-nominated singer opts for a latte from King’s Road Cafe in Los Angeles – her generally most requested item.

If Perry feels particularly hungry, her most popular meal of choice is Sugarfish’s Trusting menu – a group of exclusive Japanese restaurants loved by Kylie Jenner, Scott Disick and many other stars. The Trust Me dish includes edamame, tonysashimi, two pieces of albacore sushi, two pieces of salmon sushi, a toro roll, two pieces of yellowtail sushi, one piece of sea bream sushi, one piece of sea bass sushi and a crab hand roll,

Given her affinity for sushi and Japanese cuisine, it’s no surprise that singer “Teenage Dream” Postmaten told that the first meal she wants to enjoy now that she and 43-year-old Bloom’s girl have arrived, “all the sashimi. ”

As for Perry’s pregnancy, her number 1 choice was a sweet treat from Pinkberry. More specifically, the judge of American Idol prefers to dress up a small original yogurt topped with two servings of Fruity Pebbles and crunch of milk chocolate.

Scroll down to learn more about the habits of Perry’s Postmates!