Kate Beckinsale closed a comment on age differences

When it comes to underrated celebrity Instagram accounts, Kate Beckinsale’s profile is definitely up there. The actor’s grid has all kinds of gems.

Steve Granitz / WireImage

And most of them have to do with their magnetic cats, to be honest.

This one is especially unforgettable.

But what is worth following is when Kate jumps to the comments, as she did recently when a person dared to ask about the age difference in their relationships, a question that is generally posed to men much less.

John Shearer / Getty Images

After Kate shared another amazing moment with her cat, which had absolutely nothing to do with her love life, someone asked a very rude question that Kate quickly answered.

“Why are you still dating guys who could be your children?” Asked one person, apparently referring to Kate’s current relationship with musician Goody Grace and the previous one with Pete Davidson.

Hollywood To You / GC Images

Here are Kate and Pete in March 2019.

Well Kate had the perfect answer: “Every relationship I’ve had has been solely to upset you.”

Instagram / @katebeckinsale

This is not the first time that he has addressed an age difference. In May, she said, “It may be a bit of a political act to be a woman over 32 having fun at all.”

Kate, you keep making yourself and living your best life.

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