Kate and Pippa Middleton gave James Middleton Bees as a gift

  • James Middleton has written an article for the Daily mail about his love for bees.
  • Kate and Pippa Middleton’s brother revealed that their family “came together to buy what for me was the most fantastic birthday gift imaginable.”
  • James now shares his passion with his fiancee, Alizee Thevenet.

    Most people know that Pippa and Kate Middleton’s brother James Middleton has a love for dogs, which he regularly shows on Instagram. But family fans might not realize that James is also a huge beekeeper admirer.

    In a new article written for the Daily mailJames revealed that his family encouraged his love of bees in the best way. Kate’s brother wrote: “I had always harbored the desire to have bees, but it wasn’t until I was 24 in 2011 that the wish came true.”

    In an adorable move, the Middleton clan stepped in and helped James get started as a beekeeper. He explained, “My family, mom, dad and my sisters Catherine and Pippa, got together to buy what for me was the most fantastic birthday gift imaginable. A delivery van arrived with a large box with the warning label on it. : ‘Live Bees.’ Inside was the core – the beginning – of my colony: 1,000 Buckfast bees. “

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    Impressively, James revealed, “I now have nearly half a million bees in eight hives in a meadow at our family’s home, Bucklebury Manor in Berkshire.” Basically, it seems that the gift you received from your family so many years ago has completely transformed your life.

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