Kanye West tweets that he is trying to divorce Kim Kardashian

Kanye West claimed he is trying to divorce his wife, Kim Kardashian, while also accusing his mother, Kris Jenner, of engaging in “white supremacy” in the open rapper’s latest complaint.

“I’ve been trying to get a divorce ever since Kim met Meek at Warldolf [sic] for ‘prison reform,’ ”Kanye wrote on Twitter early Wednesday.

West was apparently referring to a criminal justice summit attended by Kardashian and rapper Meek Mill in November 2018.

“Meek is my man and he was respectful,” he added. “That’s my dog. Kim was out of line.”

In the missive series, West referred to Jenner, his mother-in-law, as “Kris Jong-Un” and said that the Kardashians were trying to force him to receive psychiatric treatment.

“They tried to fly 2 doctors for 51/50 to me,” West said, referring to the California welfare code that people who can be a danger to themselves can be placed in involuntary detention.

“Kriss and Kim issued a statement without my approval … that’s not what a wife should do with white supremacy.”

A screenshot of Kanye West's Twitter feed

He later removed the posts from his Twitter feed.

Apparently, the artist was in his studio in Cody, Wyoming when he tweeted. The allegations came a day after West first said the Kardashians were trying to “lock me up.”

“I will live for my children Kris. I am on Cody if you don’t plan another one of your children’s playboy sessions,” he wrote in his storm of tweets early Wednesday.

The drama seemed to originate from a strange campaign-style event in South Carolina on Sunday, where she cried as she revealed that Kardashian nearly aborted her first child.
