Kanye West He enlisted a small army of signatories in several states to make the presidential ballot, and yet he spent his fortune … still coming soon to places where he left a lot of cash.
Let’s face it, according to a source decided by voters – a third-party petitioner group Kanye is using this summer – the rapper’s campaign has paid him between $ 3.5 million and 5 4.5 million in 15 states to send workers to John Hancocks.
We’ve covered a lot of individual states where the group has been disbanded on behalf of Kanye, but we’ve been told that the bulk of the money went to Arizona – where you spent 1 1 million to get 93,000 signatures – just to judge any of them. Way to prevent from voting.
The same is true in Ohio and Virginia – where our source says ક 325k and $ 300k, respectively, were spent to collect signatures in the Kanye campaign … just not to vote.
Kanye as we have reported Spent at least k 30k With LTVD in Illinois – and It ended badly For her – and yet it’s unclear what she spent in Wisconsin … she is currently Booted from the ballot Even in that state to miss the deadline in just seconds
Of course, without voters paying a large sum to make the decision, he wouldn’t have made a press ballot in states like Kentucky – where we were told he spent $ 400k – or Iowa, where he left $ 80k. He has currently voted in 12 states.
BTW – Bill continues to rise for Ye, as you remember, it’s already reported $ 6 million he has spent And disclosed in its first financial report with the FEC earlier this month that it outlined various distributions to bring other companies on different ballots.
So, that begs the question … is it all worth it? Kanye run as an independent, but many believe his campaign pro.Trump Having his name on operatives and ballet will mostly hurt JB Biden. Yeh Denies that he is working with Trump And co.
Let the voters decide … We have been told that they are impartial and work for candidates from all parties and on a variety of voting initiatives.