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Richard Luscombe reports from Miami to the Guardian:

Governor of Florida Ron Descentis He may face a federal investigation into whether he turned over the Covid-19 vaccine to wealthy supporters in exchange for publicity donations.

Gary Farmer, A leading Democrat in the Florida Senate, Wrote Thursday Working U.S. To the Attorney General Monty Wilkinson, Asking him to check for “harassment” reports.

“Over the past few months, there have been many well-documented reports from specialized vaccination sites that limit the limited access of members of private clubs and residents of affluent gated communities,” the farmer wrote.

“In many cases these vaccine sites have been established before or by significant contributions to a political committee controlled by Governor Ron Descentis.”

The farmer noted that the latest claims came in a Miami Herald report on Wednesday, which claimed that more than 1,200 residents, aged one year or older, had been vaccinated on the Ki Largo community.

At the time, the Herald said, the rest of the state was still struggling to secure allocations. State records show that just one month ago, 17 Ocean Ref residents donated at least 5,000 to the Political Action Committee in support of Descentis’ 2022 re-election campaign. And one, former Illinois governor Bruce Rouner, To deduct a check of Rs. 250,000 for PAC of Desentis in the month of February after vaccination.

The newspaper further claims that Descentis uses the state’s vaccination initiative to “run pop-up vaccination sites to select communities,” mostly in affluent, disproportionately white areas.

The farmer wrote, “Governor Descent’s clear vaccine priority for the wealthy seems to be tied to political payments. If the allegations are met, the plan to ‘pay wages’ will be very difficult.”

He told Wilkinson’s office fee that “a thorough and thorough investigation should be carried out into any possible wrongdoing on the part of Governor Desintis.”
