- Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake reportedly welcomed their second child.
- Jessica gave birth after keeping her pregnancy a secret.
Apparently, congratulations to Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel! According to reports from the Daily mail, the couple welcomed their second child, a son, after a secret pregnancy. Jessica is believed to have given birth to her son earlier this week and is spending time with her mother, her 5-year-old son, Silas and Justin.
Justin posted an Instagram photo on March 25 of his wife, away from the camera, and announced that he would be “socially estranged from the family and many of these.” Since then, they have shared few photos of their time together during the pandemic, but spoke to SiriusXM about why they decided to leave Los Angeles.
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“We thought the best way to do our part was … we have a place in Montana, so we came here,” he revealed. “We feel very fortunate and blessed that we are in a place where they are socially distant here anyway, so just being able to walk through your front door and take a little walk is always nice.”
He continued: “We are doing well. We especially regret the fact that the 24-hour upbringing [of their son] Is not human. It is not.”
This exciting news comes months after Jessica and Justin were reportedly in therapy after a video of drunk Justin holding hands with his Palmero co-star Alisha Wainwright while filming in New Orleans.
A source at the time said We weekly“Sometimes they will have a great day together, and other days they argue. Justin knows exactly what Jessica wants to hear to relieve stress. They think he is constructive for their relationship … he is doing his best to prove himself.”
Well it looks like it worked!
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